After the pilgrimage to Medjugorje everything changes, everything is transformed: the testimony of Donatella

The pilgrimage to Medjugorje it is a very intense religious experience which can leave a lasting imprint on the life of those who experience it. In fact, many people, after visiting this place of worship, feel profoundly changed. Today we want to talk to you about the testimony of a woman who felt different after this experience.


The climate of prayer and meditation that one breathes in Medjugorje can help to rediscover one's faith, to feel closer to God and to better understand the meaning of one's life. Many people claim to have received answers to their existential questions, that they have succeeded in overcome spiritual difficulties or that you have found a new one inner peace.

Donatella's testimony

Donatella goes on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje in 2004. That day he returns home with a new awareness. This experience hasn't left any outward marks on her, but she has it touched deep inside the soul. Donatella has always been believer and as a good Christian she has always participated in mass and in the various activities put in place by the parish. But never as in that moment did she feel more close to the Madonna.


The girl doesn't know how to explain the deep feelings that remained to her, but in that moment more than ever she warned the presence of God, felt Our Lady as a mother and Jesus as a person of flesh and blood ready to support her.

This year she returned to Medjugorje with the whole family to thank her for the healing of his father, who was ill with cancer. Another miracle happened that day. The husband, in front of theapparition of Mary in the private chapel, he felt a jolt that made him cry and made him feel a state of profound bliss.

In the evening, when Donatella went to to pray in tears under the statue of the Madonna he understood that nothing would be the same.