Let's go to the discovery of the meaning and importance of sacred music

Musical art is a way to arouse hope in the human soul, so marked and, at times, wounded by the earthly condition. There is a mysterious and profound link between music and hope, between song and eternal life.
The Christian tradition depicts the blessed spirits in the act of singing in chorus, enraptured and fascinated by the beauty of God. True art, like prayer, sends us back to everyday reality to make it flourish so that it bears fruit of good and peace. Artists and composers have given the music great expressiveness and solemnity. The need for transparency has always been felt, in any age, and that is why sacred music is one of the highest forms of human expression. No other art is able to create an emotional relationship between man and God. Sacred musical art has been the object of care and attention over the centuries. Music is recognized as having the ability to relate and communicate people of different languages, cultures and religions. This is why even today, it remains essential to rediscover this precious treasure that was left to us as a gift.

The distinction between sacred music and religious music is much more significant than it may seem. Sacred music is the music that accompanies the liturgical celebrations of the Church. Religious music, on the other hand, is a type of composition that takes inspiration from sacred texts and has the aim of entertaining and arousing emotions. The musical tradition of the Church constitutes a heritage of inestimable value, the sacred song, together with words, is an integral part of the solemn liturgy. Sacred chant has been praised both by Holy Scripture, both by the Fathers, and by the Roman Pontiffs who emphasized the ministerial role of sacred music in divine worship.
Today we are concerned with entertaining, not elevating the spirit, perhaps we no longer even care about giving due worship to God. Which is one of the main purposes for which the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated.
Music for many is sacred by its very nature and becomes even more so when it is concerned with exploring the divine mysteries. One more reason to rediscover its richness and take care of its best expressions.