Angels: the true Angelic hierarchy and their diversity that you don't know

Among the angels there are several choirs. Nine have always been considered: angels, archangels, virtues, principalities, powers, thrones, dominations, cherubs and seraphim. The order changes according to the authors, but the important thing is that not everyone is exactly the same, as every man is different. But to what is the difference between the choruses of the seraphim and those of the cherubim or between the angels and the archangels? There is nothing defined by the Church and in this field we can only express opinions.
According to some authors, the difference is due to the degree of holiness and love of each choir, but according to others, to the different missions assigned to them. Even among men there are different missions and we could say that in heaven there are choirs of priests, martyrs, consecrated virgins, apostles or missionaries, etc.
Among angels there may be something like this. The angels, simply called this way, would be in charge of carrying the messages from God, namely his messengers. They can also guard people, places or sacred things. The archangels would be higher order angels, the most exalted messengers for extraordinarily important missions such as that of the archangel Saint Gabriel, who announced the mystery of the Incarnation to Mary. The seraphim would have the mission of being in adoration before the throne of God. The cherubim would guard important sacred places, as well as important consecrated persons, such as the Pope, the bishops ...
However, it must be made clear that, according to this opinion, it is not meant that all seraphim are more holy than mere angels or archangels; they are missions, not degrees of holiness, that differentiates them. In the same way that among men, one of the choir of martyrs or virgins or of priests, or even of all three choirs together, could be inferior in holiness to a lay apostle. Not by being a priest one is holier than a simple lay person; and so we can say about the other choirs. Therefore it is assumed that St. Michael is the prince of angels, the most exalted and elevated of all angels and, nevertheless, he is called archangel, even if he is above all the seraphim for holiness ...
Another aspect to be clarified is that not all guardian angels belong to the choir of angels, since they can be seraphim or cherubim or thrones depending on the people and their degree of holiness. In addition, God can give some people more than one angel of different choirs to help them more on their way to holiness. The important thing is to know that all angels are our friends and brothers and want to help us love God.
We love angels and we are their friends.