"Guardian Angel, my guide and comforter" Prayer for help

O solicitous protector, given to me by God because of my frailty! O Holy Guardian Angel, my guide and comforter, my teacher and adviser, I thank you for your dedication and your love and I beg you to always be by my side, to be always my friend and supporter.

Watch over me when I sleep, guide my steps when I am awake, console me when I cry, save me when I run danger, advise me when I doubt, protect me from sin when I vacillate. Dear Angelo, guide me to do good, keep me in a state of grace, protect me from a bad death, light my way in the darkness of this world. Teach me in my ignorance, warn me when the enemy attacks me, protect me from the evil one, pray for my intentions.

At the hour of my death, she accompanies my soul towards her heavenly home, so that she can be raptured, together with you, in the blessed Adoration of the Almighty and infinitely good Heavenly Father. Amen.