Guardian angel: why is it given to us?

How do angels act among humans? In the New Testament they are primarily described as messengers of God's will, God's plan of salvation for humanity. In addition to the proclamation of God's will, angels come to people to explain something to them, to help them and to discover the incomprehensible. The angels announced the resurrection of Christ to the women. The angels reminded the disciples on the Mount of Ascension that Jesus would return to this world. They are sent by God to care for and lead a large crowd of people. It can be said that entire nations and communities of people have their guardian angel.

Does every person have a guardian angel? Jesus Christ clearly states that each of us has a guardian angel. "Their angels always look to the face of my Father who is in heaven". It is clear from the Bible that every man from the beginning to the end of his life has his guardian angel. To help man not to perish but to obtain eternal life saved in heaven.

Does every person have a guardian angel? Church tradition and experience confirm that there are no people whom God would not give a guardian. If everyone is to be saved but cannot be saved without God's help, then everyone needs the. God's grace is manifested in a particular way in the service of the constant invisible guardian, who never leaves us, saves, protects and teaches.

How to recognize the action of the Guardian Angel? Although invisible by nature, but visible from the results of the action. Examples of how the guardian angel called in prayer helped overcome a hopeless situation. To survive a meeting that seemed impossible, to reach a goal that seemed unreal.
An angel can take the form of a stranger, he can speak through a dream. Sometimes an angel speaks through a wise thought that prompts us, or through a strong inspiration to do something good and noble. When he begins to speak, we don't always realize that it's God's spirit, but we know it from the results.