Angelology: The messages in the dreams of the archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is known as the Angel of the Apocalypse because God chose him to make important announcements throughout history. Gabriel often communicates with people through dreams, when the human mind is more open to learning something new. During sleep, people tend to be less afraid of meeting angels and less distracted by daily worries than waking life, so the dream is a perfect time for spiritual guidance. If you prayed for guidance on something - like making an important decision or solving a difficult problem - Gabriel could send you a dream message to direct you to the will of God.

Pray on what you hope to dream
The best way to start any type of communication with Gabriele is to pray: either to God, asking him to send Gabriele to visit you in your dreams, or to Gabriele himself, inviting the archangel to visit you directly. Keep in mind that you are more likely to meet Gabriele if you have prepared your soul for a holy encounter. Take some time before going to bed to confess and renounce your sins, and make a new commitment to live faithfully for God.

Pray specifically about the topic you want Gabriel to guide you on. The process of focusing your mind on what you hope to dream is called dream incubation. While many guardian angels help with dream incubation (because they constantly monitor people who sleep), Gabriel is the most appropriate of the archangels to invite as you prepare to dream. This is because Gabriel oversees the communication between angels and humans. It can help you move between levels of consciousness with ease, allowing you to interpret God's messages in your dreams with clarity and accuracy.

Use holy water
Gabriel is the archangel who rules over water, so some people use water as part of their prayer rituals to invite him to meet them in their dreams. Holy water - which is simply the water someone has blessed by praying about it - is a particularly effective tool to use when you hope to communicate with Gabriel.

By praying on the water, you are inviting the Holy Spirit of God to change the molecular structure of the water to reflect the beauty of your prayers. You are actually physically infusing the water with your spiritual intentions.

Before going to bed, pray over a glass of water and ask God to send Gabriel to communicate with you in your dreams. So drink half the water. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, drink the other half and pray for the ability to remember as much as possible from your dreams.

Use essential oils
Some people who hope to hear Gabriel during their dreams put a few drops of essential oil on their pillows before going to bed, as a way of welcoming Gabriel's angelic energy into their bedrooms. Essential oils (the pure oils of plants) store and amplify electromagnetic energy, just like crystals do. Since spiritual energy - like that of angels - physically manifests itself through electromagnetic energy, people sometimes use essential oils and crystals to attract angelic energy to places where they hope to meet angels.

The energy of some essential oils vibrates at frequencies that correspond to the white angel's ray of light that leads Gabriel. The white ray represents the purity and harmony that derive from holiness. There are many essential oils that you can use to attract Gabriel's energy, those that closely match Gabriel's ray of light. Among them, the following oils are particularly good for use in your bedroom before bedtime:

Lavender (for purification from sin, overcoming doubts and fears and for renewal)
Pine (for purification from sin and to gain trust)
Incense (to protect you from harm, acquire holy knowledge and wisdom and to help you focus on God's purposes for your life)
Sandalwood (for protection from the negativity of other people)
Ylang Ylang (to overcome negative emotions and experience the peace of God)
Rosewood (for the ability to discern God's will)
Peppermint (for the ability to discern God's will)
Pepe (for clarity to move towards the will of God)
Tea Tree (to gain confidence in God's plans for you and to help you understand others' motives)
Patchouli (for harmony and balance in all aspects of your life)
Chamomile (to go on in life with pure reasons)
Using an essential oil that relates to what you hope to dream can help you focus on that topic in your dreams, as well as attracting Angel's angelic energy.

Pay attention to your emotions
Your emotions - those of your experience during your dreams and those you experience immediately after waking up - are as important as your thoughts when it comes to understanding the spiritual meaning of your dreams. This is because God has made emotions the creative force that drives thoughts into actions. During a dream, Gabriel can direct your attention to the feelings you have buried deep in your subconscious. It could make you aware of positive emotions, such as showing you how excited you are about an opportunity that God is encouraging you to pursue. If you need healing for a problem in your life that causes negative emotions, Gabriel can direct your attention through a nightmare as a way of pushing yourself to work through the healing process.

Gabriel can also send you emotional energy as part of the message that God wants to communicate to you through a dream. For example, Gabriel may send you a sense of peace regarding a decision you are considering. Or Gabriel may make you feel alarmed about something dangerous in an attempt to protect you from it.

Record the details of dreams after waking up
As soon as you can after waking up (but after drinking the remaining water, if you are performing the water prayer ritual), record everything you remember about your dreams from the previous evening. Start with what you remember first, then work backwards to see if other details emerge.

Pray for Gabriel's help in interpreting the meaning of your dreams, especially because those dreams refer to your future, as Gabriel often conveys prophetic messages about the future in dreams.