A true miracle of the heart... anonymous gives the surgery to a little girl who will walk again

Today we want to tell you the little girl's story with a happy ending that warms our hearts Emily, a little girl suffering from cerebral palsy which condemned her to a life in a wheelchair. What is extraordinary about her, however, is that an anonymous billionaire gave her another opportunity by paying for the expensive surgery that her family could not afford.


Reading i newspapers, the internet or on TV we hear more and more news stories, bad and unmotivated gestures committed by people and rarely do we hear something like this which fortunately helps us to think that there still exist people with a big heart. These gestures give us hope and they bring us that smile that we too often lose.

Emily's dream comes true

Emily had the dream to walk again and live like a normal little girl and thanks to a perfect stranger who filled her shoes Guardian angel, not only will he realize his dream but he will also be able to take a splendid trip to Disneyland together with his family. Yes because this man, in addition to the use of his legs, also thought of giving him a gift memory to share with the people closest to you.


For the little girl's family, who tried in every way to help her, financing that surgery would have been unthinkable. Despite the sacrifices they would never have been able to save such a sum. The intervention call selective dorsal rhizotomy, could have greatly improved his situation.

Thus Paula Ratcliffe opens one fundraising in the hope of collecting 100mila euros. Unexpectedly about 24 hours later a phone call arrives and a man, who preferred to remain anonymous, decides to finance the entire amount. There mother remained esterrefatta, he couldn't believe what was happening.

From the pictures of his Facebook profile, the surgery went so well that the little girl was able to stand up and take her first steps. The social network also shows the gioia in the eyes of the family on their trip to Disneyland.