April month dedicated to Mercy. Prayer to be recited today

We bless you, Holy Father: in your immense love for humankind, you sent your Son into the world as Savior, made man in the womb of the most pure Virgin.

In Christ, meek and humble of heart You have given us the image of Your infinite mercy.

Contemplating His face we see Your goodness, receiving the words of life from His mouth, we fill ourselves with Your wisdom; discovering the unfathomable depths of His heart we learn kindness and meekness; exulting for his resurrection, we look forward to the joy of eternal Easter.

Grant, Father, that your faithful, honoring this sacred effigy, have the same sentiments that were in Christ Jesus, and become operators of harmony and peace.

May Your Son, Father, be for us all the truth that illuminates us, the life that nourishes and renews us, the light that illuminates the path, the way that makes us go up to You to sing Your mercy forever.

He is God and lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen.