As a child of God, it is your divine right to receive abundance at every stage of your life. God and the Angels want you to be prosperous, so we all have an Archangel of abundance and prosperity. Their job is to listen to you when you call on them and to help you find solutions to life's problems or to guarantee what you have asked them; as long as your prayers are genuine. There are many Archangels of prosperity and abundance, which you can invoke. Each of them is unique and special in its nature. To experience abundance is to feel a fullness overflowing with what you need and desire. It can be in the form of love, relationships, work and, of course, financial abundance. Prepare to invoke an Archangel of abundance and prosperity in your life to receive all the gifts and guidance from him. Are you ready to receive and enjoy yourself?

Archangels that help you increase your abundance and prosperity: the Archangel Raziel
Some Archangels have the pleasure of assisting you in ways so that you can experience more prosperity and abundance in your life. The name of the Archangel Raziel means "Secret of God". Mysterious as it seems, Raziel is the Archangel who helps manifest abundance and prosperity; the Archangel of abundance and prosperity. Raziel is believed to be at the throne of God and records everything that God says.

We should all understand how to increase prosperity and abundance!

Invoking the power of the Archangels and said prayers for abundance symbolizes important steps along your spiritual path as it represents your ability to learn and grow. As you learn to trust your skills, you will begin to understand the meaning behind multiple aspects of your journey.

How do you ask the angels for financial help?
It is known that Raziel wrote all his recordings in the book known as "The Book of the Angel Raziel". He knows all the mysteries of this universe, so if you invoke him, he will use his divine magic to help you manifest abundance and prosperity.

Prayer to invoke Angel Raziel:
“Raziel the gifts of the universe are in your hands, so please help me fulfill my desires to increase the amount of prosperity and abundance in my life.

Give me the tools to manifest abundance and prosperity in my life and allow me to receive gifts of your divine magic so that the number of miracles in my life also increases to a greater number than it is now. "

Archangel Gadiel
The name of this Angel means "God is my wealth". He is known as the holiest of all other angels and is known for having great powers. To use his powers, keep repeating his name for a while and he will come to help you in whatever you need assistance.

Prayer to invoke Angel Gadiel:
“Gadiel, Gadiel, Gadiel, I need your help in my life right now. Any unconscious or conscious obstruction in my brain that exists, please free me from it so that I can get the maximum abundance and prosperity from life. I need your help, since I am worthy of deserving the best in life. Clarify and show me the path that leads to abundance and prosperity, so I know which way to walk. I don't want to get lost, help me. "

Archangel Pathiel
The name Pathiel means "The Opener". If you want to open your doors to the manifestation of abundance and prosperity, it is he to turn to. Also known for being one of the Archangels of abundance and prosperity. If you want or want something, call Angel Pathiel. Let all your desires be known to him and abandon your thoughts. Once you hear your prayer, it will answer.

Prayer to invoke Angel Pathiel:
“Pathiel, my wishes have been surrendered to you by this prayer. I know you have the power to manifest abundance and prosperity. I ask you to help me and guide me to open my fortune so that everything can easily flow in my life; above all abundance and prosperity. I trust you by doing this prayer and I know that my prayer will be answered ".

Archangel Barakiel
Barakiel is an ancient angel whose name means "Blessing of God". Being the Angel of good luck, he will assist in opening your heart in such a way that abundance is attracted to you and you. It is also referred to as one of the Archangels of abundance. He will always encourage you to continue to expect abundance in your life after invoking it.

Prayer to invoke Angel Barakiel:
“Barakiel, I make this prayer with the intent that you can open my heart so that I can be inclined to receive the luck I deserve. I want to invite the gifts of abundance and prosperity into my life, and for this, I seek your help guide. Please guide me and guide me towards a path where I can remain positive and attract all positivity in my life like a magnet that attracts metals. I want to satisfy my desires and look for help for you. "

Archangel Gamaliel
Gamaliel means "reward of God". Known for being one of the most generous angels, he is a kind donor. If you want to create your Heaven on Earth, it is your Archangel of abundance and prosperity to be invoked. It can be used to create money, joy and happiness. Its sources are so vast that you never thought you could find abundance in such places.

Prayer to invoke Angel Gamaliel:
“Gamaliel, being the kind donor, I make you this prayer to ask you for help to fulfill my wishes. You have the power to perform miracles and fulfill my dreams and desires. I trust you so you can make it happen. I am fully open and sincere with you by placing my intentions and desires in front of you. Thanks, Gamaliel, for being so kind. "

Understanding of the Archangel of abundance
Abundance is not just about money and wealth. It is about having love, happiness, good health and also good relationships; and all the other things that are necessary to survive.

Angels know that the biggest obstacle to receiving abundance is when you feel unworthy of getting something. If this is what you think, ask an abundant Archangel to open your heart so that he can solve this problem.

Another problem with receiving abundance is that you have received so much that you have started to become selfish about it. In fact, when you have enough of one thing, you should share it with others and not be selfish about it. When you have learned to accept it for yourself, you should teach others to also receive it for themselves; this is how an Archangel of abundance and prosperity will be happy with you.

How can I ask Archangel Chamuel for help?
Yes, there are also wealthy angels who offer you financial assistance. These wealthy Angels bless you with the money of the Angels, which must be used in good places. These angels of wealth are also the archangels of prosperity and abundance. They can be invoked by prayers made based on what you wish to call them. Archangel Chamuel is a good example.

You can use the following prayer to receive abundance:
“Dear angels, open my heart and help me heal and recognize that I am worthy and deserving of receiving gifts of God of abundance in my life. Help me remember that there is more than enough and it is my divine birthright to experience abundance in all ways: love, joy, happiness, health, wealth and contentment ”.

An Archangel of abundance and prosperity knows that everyone deserves the gifts of abundance, so let it get to you so that they can receive their gifts of abundance. Meditation is a great and effective way to reach your Archangel of abundance and prosperity.

Process for meditating
Find a quiet and peaceful place to sit where no one can disturb you while you are meditating. You have the option to play soft-toned music in the background if you wish. Write the prayers you want to do to your Archangel of abundance and prosperity and share them.

Take deep breaths and clear your mind. Clear your mind of everything you previously thought of and everything you saw or thought before closing your eyes. Take deep breaths and don't let thoughts get the better of you.

Call an Archangel of abundance and prosperity and ask him to create a beautiful circle of sacred light around you. Now embrace the divine light that descends on you and begins to think that you have received what you asked the Archangels for prosperity and abundance. Imagine that you are in your Paradise on Earth and breathe in the abundance of light that surrounds you.

Now that you have started to think that you have everything you asked an Archangel of abundance and prosperity, what are you going to do? What are your actions when your wishes were made for you? How do you feel? What kind of thoughts occupy your mind? Breathe slowly and deeply. How do you enjoy life in this sacred circle? Let everything in and feel every moment you live.

Now, ask an Archangel of abundance and prosperity to satisfy ALL your desires. Think of yourself in the center of the sacred circle where you are attracted to magnets to satisfy all your desires. Take a moment to thank the Archangels for prosperity and abundance for making you feel the great joy you deserve.

Angel's prayer for money
Money is something that we all desire in large sums and that we never have enough of. Since there are Archangels of abundance and prosperity, there are Angels of wealth who help you with your financial matters. The role of these angels is to bring you money. In particular, they have the task of helping us with financial problems.

Once invoked, the Angel of wealth will always be around you and will make sure that you are progressing financially at every stage of your life. The Angel of wealth has changed the lives of many people and has had the ability to change yours too. The only thing you need to do is to invoke it in the right way. Once invoked, the Angel will bring you money and financial success that you didn't think you would be able to receive.

The Angel's invocation of wealth is very simple and requires less effort than other invocations. It is worth invoking the Angel of Wealth regardless of whether you are going through a financial crisis or not.

To invoke your Angel of wealth, the Angel brings you the money you should first purify your heart. You should not have selfish desires or any intention to harm someone with the money that the Angel of wealth would bless you. Let Angel of Wealth know about the need to seek financial assistance.

More details on the 7 angels of God
The Angel's money won't reach you if you don't deserve it. Express why and what problems you are having in relation to your finances so that it can help you. Finally, ask for courage and strength so you don't just give up on life's problems that disappoint you.

These angels of wealth are also our archangels of abundance and prosperity and will guide and help us in any way we can. The money of the Angels once received by you will be blessed and therefore whatever purpose you use it will also be blessed. For example, if you use the money of the Angels to create a new venture, that venture will most likely be successful and you will generate a lot of profits from it. The angel who brings money always blesses it so that whatever purpose you use it to become a blessing in your life.

An Archangel of abundance and prosperity is never too far from you to be called. He is always available for you, all you have to do is pray for him so he can come and help you. Make sure your intention to invoke him is pure and pious. Any prayer intended to harm an individual, made to an Archangel of abundance and prosperity, will not be answered. Be sincere with yourself and with your Archangel of prosperity and abundance.