“Getting angry with God can do good”, the words of Pope Francis

Papa Francesco, during the general hearing, stated that prayer it can also be "protest".

Specifically, Bergoglio stated: "Protesting before God is a way of praying, getting angry with God is a way of praying because even the child sometimes gets angry with the father ”.

Pope Francis added: “Sometimes getting a little angry is good for you because it makes us wake up this relationship of son to Father, of daughter to Father that we must have with God ”.

For the Pontiff, then, "the true progress of the spiritual life does not consist in multiplying ecstasies, but in being able to persevere in difficult times".

The Pope also said: "Praying is not easy, there are many difficulties, we must recognize them and overcome them. The first is distraction, start praying and the mind is spinning. Distractions are not guilty, but they must be fought ",

The second problem is thearidity: “It can depend on ourselves, but also on God, who allows certain situations of external or internal life”.

Then, there is thesloth, “Which is a real temptation against prayer and, more generally, against the Christian life. It is one of the seven 'deadly sins' because, fueled by presumption, it can lead to the death of the soul ”.

The Pope has also returned to ask for prayers for the battered peoples. "While awaiting Pentecost, like the Apostles gathered in the Upper Room with the Virgin Mary, let us fervently ask the Lord for the Spirit of consolation and peace for the tortured peoples who live in difficult situations".