Priest arrested in Calabria for sexual acts on foreigners

New accusation for the former priest of Vibo Valentia Fr Felice La Rosa, 44, accused of sexual acts on foreign minors. It seems that the parish priest had sexual relations with a sixteen-year-old of Bulgarian origin and not only during the investigation they also discovered other sexual acts previously with underage girls and even an attempted murder of one of them.

Already sentenced in the past to two years and four months by the court of Vibo Valentia, he was involved in the “Settino Serchio” investigation for a prostitution ring. The bishop of the place has banned the post of the former priest in all schools of all levels and from every office and institution obviously the prohibition to approach minors. This is certainly not a single case, neither the first nor the last, in the last month in the province of Caserta it seems that another priest without any precedent was removed from the church, he was denounced for pedophilia according to the statements of a boy from the place, the bishop of the place in the investigation phase has assigned to the church a parish priest in order not to deprive the faithful of their Christianity. Recall that sexual acts are not only punishable by law, but are also punishable by Divine law