He was born with a rare and unknown genetic disease but never stopped believing in God's help.

Late 90s, Illinois, USA. Mary and Brad Kish are a young couple of parents who anxiously and joyfully await the birth of theirs child. The pregnancy continued without any problems but on the day of delivery, when the baby was born, the doctors immediately realized that something was wrong with her.

credit:Facebook profile Michelle Kish

Michelle he had a round face, a beak nose, and suffered from hair loss. After a thorough study, the doctors came to the conclusion that Michelle suffered from Hallerman-Streiff syndrome.

The discovery of Hallermann-Streiff syndrome

This syndrome is one rare genetic disease affecting the skull, face and eyes. It is characterized by a combination of craniofacial abnormalities, growth retardation, congenital cataract, muscle hypotonia, and other genetic abnormalities. In all, the symptoms that characterize her are 28 and Michelle had 26.

Al Children's Memorial Hospital, where Michelle was born, no one had ever seen a person with this disease. Mary becomes aware of the diagnosis, she sinks into despair. She had no idea what awaited her and she didn't know how to handle the situation.

a manifestation has been conducted
credit:Facebook profile Michelle Kish

In addition to the syndrome, little Michelle also suffers from dwarfism. These conditions meant that she would need a lot of care and assistance, from electric wheelchairs, to hearing aids, a respirator and vision aids.

But neither the parents nor little Michelle had any intention of giving up. They found ways to handle the situation and today that Michelle has 20 years she is a healthy bearer of joy, loves sharing time with her sister and dreams of a boyfriend.

Despite her height and condition, she lives like a normal person, she's smart, smart, and doesn't mind being mistaken for a little girl. Michelle love life and it is a teaching for all those who break down at the slightest obstacle or who think that being alive is a matter of course.