Blessed are the merciful

I am your God, rich in charity and mercy towards all who always loves and forgives everyone. I want you to be merciful as I am merciful. My son Jesus called the merciful "blessed". Yes, whoever uses mercy and forgives is blessed since I forgive all his faults and infidelities helping him in all the vicissitudes of life. You have to forgive. Forgiveness is the greatest expression of love that you can give to your brothers. If you do not forgive, you are not perfect in love. If you do not forgive, you cannot be my children. I always forgive.

My son Jesus when he was on this earth in parables clearly explained to his disciples the importance of forgiveness. He spoke of the servant who was to give so much to his master and the latter took pity and forgave him all the debt. Then this servant took no pity on another servant who owed him much less than he had to give to his master. The master learned of what had happened and had the wicked servant thrown into prison. Between you you are not indebted for anything except mutual love. You are indebted only to me who must forgive your countless infidelities.

But I always forgive and you too must always forgive. If you forgive you are already blessed on this earth and then you will also be blessed in the heavens. Man without forgiveness does not have sanctifying grace. Forgiveness is perfect love. My son Jesus said to you "look at the straw in your brother's eye while there is a beam in yours." All of you are good at judging and condemning your brothers, pointing the finger and not forgiving without each of you doing your own examination of conscience and understanding your own faults.

I tell you now forgive all those people who hurt you and you can't forgive. If you do this you will heal your soul, your mind and you will be perfect and blessed. My son Jesus said "be perfect how perfect is your father who is in heaven". If you want to be perfect in this world, the biggest attribute you need to have is to use mercy towards everyone. You must be merciful since I use you mercy. How do you want your faults to be forgiven me if you do not forgive your brother's faults?

Jesus himself when teaching to pray to his disciples said "forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors". If you do not forgive, you are not even worthy of praying to our Father ... How can a man be a Christian if he is not worthy of praying to our Father? You are called to forgive since I always forgive you. If there were no forgiveness, the world would no longer exist. Precisely I who use mercy to all give the grace that the sinner is converted and returns to me. You do the same too. Imitate my son Jesus who on this earth always forgave, forgave everyone just like me who always forgive.

Blessed are you who are merciful. Your soul shines. Many men devote hours to devotions, long prayers but then do not exalt the most important thing to do, that of having compassion for the brothers and forgiving. I now tell you forgive your enemies. If you are unable to forgive, pray, ask me for grace and in time I will shape your heart and make you become my perfect child. You must know that without forgiveness among you you cannot have mercy on me. My son Jesus said "blessed are the merciful who will find mercy". So if you want mercy from me you have to forgive your brother. I am God the father of all and I cannot accept disputes and quarrels between brothers. I want peace among you, that you love each other and forgive each other. If you now forgive your brother peace will descend in you, my peace and my mercy will invade your whole soul and you will be blessed.

Blessed are the merciful. Blessed are all those who do not seek evil, do not leave themselves in quarrels with their brothers and seek peace. Blessed are you who love your brother, forgive him and use compassion, your name is written in my heart and will never be erased. You are blessed if you use mercy.