Blessed Bartolomeo of Vicenza, Saint of the day for 27 October

Saint of the day for October 27th
(About 1200-1271)

The story of the Blessed Bartolomeo of Vicenza

The Dominicans honor one of them today, Blessed Bartholomew of Vicenza. This was a man who used his preaching skills to challenge the heresies of his day.

Bartolomeo was born in Vicenza around 1200. At 20 he joined the Dominicans. After his ordination, he held various leadership positions. As a young priest he founded a military order whose purpose was to maintain civil peace in cities throughout Italy.

In 1248 Bartolomeo was appointed bishop. For most men, such an appointment is an honor and a tribute to their holiness and their demonstrated leadership skills. But for Bartholomew it was a form of exile solicited by an anti-papal group that was only too happy to see him leave for Cyprus. Not many years later, however, Bartolomeo was transferred back to Vicenza. Despite the anti-papal sentiments that were still evident, he worked diligently - especially through his preaching - to rebuild his diocese and strengthen the loyalty of the people to Rome.

During his years as a bishop in Cyprus, Bartholomew befriended King Louis IX of France, who is said to have given the holy bishop a relic of Christ's crown of thorns.

Bartholomew died in 1271. He was beatified in 1793.


Despite opposition and obstacles, Bartholomew remained faithful to his ministry to God's people. We also face daily challenges to our faithfulness and duties. Perhaps Bartholomew could serve as inspiration in our darkest moments.