Why praying to God every morning is important

Today we want to leave you a wonderful prayer to be recited in the morning, to make you feel better, to start in a positive way and never feel alone.

to pray

Morning prayer helps us start the day right positive way, listening to our heart and establishing a connection with God. During the night, our body and mind are rested and recharged. Morning prayer is a time to wake up our spirit and place ourselves in God's hands for the day ahead.

This good habit gives us the inner strength to face daily challenges. When we pray, we turn to the divine and rely on his wisdom and to his love. By invoking God's presence in our lives, we nurture our faith and trust that He will guide us throughout the day.


Also, it helps us to be Grati for the gifts we have in life. Often in the turmoil of daily life, we forget to appreciate the little things that make our existence meaningful. This gesture reminds us of to be grateful for our health, for our loved ones, for the opportunities that are offered to us and for many others blessings which we often take for granted.

Often during the day we are overwhelmed by stress, anxiety and worries so why not stop and connect with God, enjoying a moment of tranquility and free us from problems and worries. It invites us to let ourselves be in control, we know that God cares for us and will provide for our needs.


Morning prayer

Sir, open my lips and my mouth proclaim your praise, O God, you are my God, I look for you at dawn. My soul thirsts for you, like a deserted, arid land without water. In the morning, Lord, let me feel your love: to you I raise my soul. Let me know the way forward in the day because I trust in you.

Grant to spend this day in the joy and in peace, without sin; so that, when evening comes, I can praise you with a pure and grateful heart, Inspire thoughts, words and works so that on this day it can be acceptable to your will.

give me one generous heart, because you become a reflection and testimony of your goodness. Teach me to recognize you present in all men, especially in the poor and the suffering. Give me of live in peace with everyone and already have a foretaste of your beatitude, through faith, hope and charity.