A good slap to the devil already in the early morning (by Viviana Maria Rispoli)


But do we always have to get it from there? never possible that with that thing we must always play in defense and never attack? how long we still have to start our day with effort, with the anxiety of what will be or with the resignation of what will not be. So I want to share with you a very simple and effective method that I use to start the day well, wherever you are shouted with all your voice and with all your soul a "Glory to God" is a Glory to God to show him the confidence that in him we have, to shout to him that we believe that he cares for us, a glory to God for all that will happen, for all the people we meet, a glory to God for not forgetting that he has never abandoned us and never will abandon, a glory to God to tell him that even if at times we have not understood a club of his work in us, we believe it has a sense of glory. Everything tends to give glory to God, nature gives glory to God, the universe gives glory to God and us? we placed at the center of his Creation as the most wonderful masterpiece that He created, as the masterpiece for which everything was created, what we expect to recognize His Wisdom, His Mercy, His inscrutable and punctual Providence. in a word LA HIS GLORY. And then dear devil, you do everything to make us lose hope, I win you with the most powerful weapons of trust in God, I fight you with the weapons of his praise and ruin you, go to that devil country, and start going there immediately in the early morning, with My Glory to God which will resound in my heart until evening, and in the heart of God for all eternity.
