Bible and children: finding Christ in Cinderella's fairy tale

Bible and Children: Cinderella (1950) tells the story of a pure-hearted young girl who lives at the mercy of her cruel stepmother and stepsisters.

Cinderella is subjected to constant servile work, while she is also forced to live in an attic infested with adorable mice. Despite all this, Cinderella remains kind in the heart; live a humble life of obedience (Phil 2: 8). Like St. Francis of Assisi, she takes care of countless animals, constantly protecting them from the menacing cat Lucifer. "Lucifer" is the historical name of the fallen angel, Satan.

In a neighboring kingdom, the king becomes impatient with his son unsuccessfully looking for a suitable bride. Invite all local girls to a royal ball. This bachelor-style speed-dating event is where the prince will choose his wife. This is where we begin to see the two natures of Christ, represented by the character of Cinderella.

Bible and children: Cinderella and its meaning

Cinderella is looking forward to the ball. However, she doesn't have the right dress. All the mice come together to create a dress for their "Cinderella". They make her a humble pink dress. Pink, being a color close to red, represents the life of humanity on earth. Cinderella the servant represents the human nature of Christ. Despite the best efforts of her rodent friends, the stepsisters destroy Cinderella's only dress. Despair overcomes her and she runs away to cry.

Like Jesus, Cinderella weeps in a garden (Matthew 26: 36-46). She is greeted by her fairy godmother, who presents her with a sparkling blue dress. Blue indicates the heavens and the kingdom of God not of this world. Princess Cinderella represents the divine nature of Christ. Cinderella arrives at the ball and immediately starts dancing with the prince. The two fall in love just in time for the midnight clock, the curfew of his fairy godmother. Cinderella escapes quickly, but not before leaving the glass slipper behind. The prince finds her using the glass slipper, and the two live happily ever after.