Do you need a grace? Recite this prayer to Saint Anthony

1. O glorious Saint Anthony, who had the power to raise the dead from God, awaken my spirit from apathy and obtain a fervent and holy life for me. Glory to the Father, etc.

2. O wise Saint Anthony, who with your doctrine have been light for the holy Church and for the world, illuminate my intelligence by opening it to divine truth. Glory to the Father, etc.

3. O merciful Saint, who comes to the aid of those who invoke you with confidence, also help me and my loved ones in current needs. Glory to the Father, etc.

4. O generous Saint, who by accepting divine inspiration you have consecrated your life to the service of God and of your brothers and sisters, let me always listen to his word with docility. Glory to the Father, etc.

5. O Saint Anthony, true lily of purity, do not allow my soul to be stained by sin, but obtain purity of heart from God. Glory to the Father, etc.

6. O dear Saint, who intercede so that many sick people find health again, help me to heal from guilt and bad inclinations. Glory to the Father, etc.

7. O my patron saint, who worked hard for the salvation of the brothers, guide me in the sea of ​​life so that it can reach the port of blessed eternity. Glory to the Father, etc.

8. O compassionate Saint Anthony, who during your life obtained the liberation of so many condemned, intercede so that I may be freed from evil and can live in the grace of God. Glory to the Father, etc.

9. O holy thaumaturge, who had the gift of joining the severed limbs to the bodies, do not allow me to ever separate myself from the love of God and the unity of the Church. Glory to the Father, etc.

10. O dearest Saint, who helps to find lost things, do not lose the friendship of God, but can keep it faithfully throughout your life. Glory to the Father, etc.

11. O helper of the poor, who hears those who turn to you, accept my plea and present it to God so that he will give me his help. Glory to the Father, etc.

12. O Saint Anthony, who has been a tireless apostle of the word of God, make it possible for me to bear witness to my faith by word and example. Glory to the Father, etc.

13. O beloved Saint Anthony, who has your blessed tomb in Padua, look with benevolence on my needs; speak to God for me your miraculous language so that my prayers will be accepted and answered. Glory to the Father, etc.