Short prayers to receive indulgences every day

Indulged giacularia

Paul VI abolished the indication of the days of indulgence and decreed that the indulgences are classified simply like this: plenary or partial. Partials are without determinations of days.

partial indulgence



- My God, I love you

- Lord, increase faith in us

- My God and my everything!

- My God, my only good. You are everything for me: make it all for you.

- My God, make me love you, and only reward of my love is to love you more and more.

- May the most just, highest and most lovable will of God be done, praised, and eternally exalted

- O God, you are almighty, make me holy

- Eternal Father, through the most precious Blood of Jesus Christ, glorify his most holy Name, according to the desires of his adorable Heart.

- My God, grant us the unity of minds in truth, and the union of hearts in charity.

- To the King of the centuries immortal and invisible, to God alone honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

- Sit nomen Domini benedictum -hearing cursing-


- Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me.

- Sweet Jesus, do not be a judge to me, but a savior

- Jesus, my God, I love you above all things!

- My Jesus, mercy!

- Jesus, for you I live, for you I die; Jesus, I am yours in life and in death. So be it.

- Jesus, for your love, with you and for you.

- O Jesus, I join you with all my heart.

- Christ Jesus, my help and my redeemer.

- O Jesus, save me! (Jesu, salvum me fac)

- You are the Christ, Son of Living God! - in front of the SS.-

- Blessed Jesus Christ and his most pure Mother!

- O Jesus, friend of the children, bless the children of the whole world.

- O Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us!

O Jesus, Son of the Virgin Mary, have mercy on us!

O Jesus, king and center of all hearts, for the coming of your kingdom, give us peace.

- Lord Jesus Christ, You only the Holy One, You only the Lord, You only the Most High (Domine Jesu Christe, Tu solus Sanctus, Tu solus Dominus, Tu solus Altissimus).

- O Jesus, be Jesus and save me.

- O Jesus, let me be yours, all yours, always yours.

- O Jesus Savior, give us your blessing, free us from eternal death, assist the Holy Church, give peace to the nations, free the souls who suffer in purgatory.

- O my Jesus, you who are the same charity, light in my heart that divine fire that consumes the saints and transforms them into you.

- Praised, adored, loved and thanked be, at every moment the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, in all the Tabernacles of the world, until the end of time.

(Partial indulgence granted by the Holy Father Pius IX, to anyone who will recite it by stopping in a brief greeting visit to the divine Sacrament)


- Mary, our hope, have mercy on us.

- My mother, my trust.

- Mother of mercy, pray for us.

- Mother of love, Mother of pain and mercy, pray for me.

- Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, make us saints.

- Mary of sorrows, Mother of all Christians, pray for us.

- Holy Mother, deh, you make the Lord's wounds imprinted in my heart.

- Sweet heart of Mary, be my salvation.

- Virgin Mother of God, Mary, pray to Jesus for me.

- Santa Maria, free us from the pains of hell.

- O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who turn to you.

- Blessed be the holy and Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

- O most pure Heart of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, obtain purity and humility of heart from Jesus.

- Immaculata Regina Pacis, now pro nobis.

- O Mary, make me live in God, with God and for God.

- S. Maria Liberatrice, pray for us and for the purging souls.

- O Mary, who entered the world without blemish, obtain from God that I can get out of it without fault.

- Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

- Mother of the orphans, pray for us.

- Our Lady of SS. Sacramento, pray for us.

- Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.

- Our Lady of Perpetual Help, pray for us.

- Our Lady of good studies, pray for us.

- Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Pompeii, pray for us.

- Our Lady of the Salette, Reconciler of sinners, pray incessantly for us, who turn to you.

- Most Holy Rosaries, now pro nobis.

- Regina decor Carmeli, now pro nobis.

- Regina Apostolorum, now pro nobis.

- Virgo painful, now pro nobis

- O Mary, Queen of the Clergy, pray for us and obtain numerous and holy priests for us.