
Celebrations, traditions and more to know about the Easter holiday

Celebrations, traditions and more to know about the Easter holiday

Easter is the day when Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Christians choose to celebrate this resurrection because ...

How many times can Catholics receive holy communion?

How many times can Catholics receive holy communion?

Many people think they can only receive Holy Communion once a day. And many people assume that, in order to receive Communion, they must participate ...

Why don't they eat meat in Lent and other questions

Why don't they eat meat in Lent and other questions

Lent is the season to turn away from sin and live a life more in conformity with God's will and plan. Penitential practices…

What does the Bible say about Mass

What does the Bible say about Mass

For Catholics, Scripture is embodied not only in our lives but also in the liturgy. In fact, it is represented first in the liturgy, by…

Quotes of the Saints for this period of Lent

Quotes of the Saints for this period of Lent

Pain and suffering have entered your life, but remember that pain, pain, suffering is nothing but the kiss…

Why do Catholics only receive the host in communion?

Why do Catholics only receive the host in communion?

When Christians of Protestant denominations attend a Catholic Mass, they are often surprised that the Catholics receive only the consecrated wafer (the body of…

How to pray the rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary

How to pray the rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The use of knotted beads or strings to count large numbers of prayers dates back to the early days of Christianity, but the rosary as we know it…

The 4 human virtues: how to be a good Christian?

The 4 human virtues: how to be a good Christian?

Let's start with the four human virtues: prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. These four virtues, being "human" virtues, "are stable dispositions of the intellect and will which...

Do you know the meaning of the eight beatitudes?

Do you know the meaning of the eight beatitudes?

The Beatitudes come from the opening lines of the famous Sermon on the Mount delivered by Jesus and recorded in Matthew 5: 3-12. Here Jesus declared several blessings, ...

What happens if a Catholic eats meat on Friday of Lent?

What happens if a Catholic eats meat on Friday of Lent?

For Catholics, Lent is the holiest time of the year. However, many people wonder why those who practice that faith cannot eat…

The powerful first step to offering forgiveness

The powerful first step to offering forgiveness

Asking for forgiveness Sin can happen openly or in secret. But when not confessed, it becomes a growing burden. Our conscience attracts us. There…

A prayer of gratitude to the Church in this difficult moment

A prayer of gratitude to the Church in this difficult moment

While most confessions believe that Christ is the head of the church, we all know that they are run by people who are not perfect ...

Trust God: the greatest spiritual secret of life

Trust God: the greatest spiritual secret of life

Have you ever struggled and agitated because your life wasn't going the way you wanted? Do you feel like this now? You want to trust in God, but you have needs ...

Jesus stopped the wind and calmed the sea, he can cancel the coronavirus

Jesus stopped the wind and calmed the sea, he can cancel the coronavirus

Fear had assailed the Apostles when the wind and the sea were about to overturn the boat, they cried out for help to Jesus for the storm of ...

How does the Bible define faith?

How does the Bible define faith?

Faith is defined as a belief with strong conviction; firm belief in something for which there may be no tangible proof; complete trust, trust, trust ...

6 tips on how to pray for thanks

6 tips on how to pray for thanks

We often think that prayer depends on us, but that's not true. Prayer does not depend on our performance. The effectiveness of our prayers depends on ...

For Lent, renounce anger seeks forgiveness

For Lent, renounce anger seeks forgiveness

Shannon, a partner in a Chicago area law firm, had a client who was offered the chance to solve a case with a ...

Learn to speak the 5 languages ​​of love

Learn to speak the 5 languages ​​of love

Gary Chapman's best-selling book The 5 Love Languages ​​(Northfield Publishing) is a frequent reference in our family. The premise of ...

What is prayer and what does it mean to pray

What is prayer and what does it mean to pray

Prayer is a form of communication, a way of speaking with God or with the saints. Prayer can be formal or informal. While…

Biblical verses essential for Christian life

Biblical verses essential for Christian life

For Christians, the Bible is a guide or road map for navigating through life. Our faith is based on the Word of God. ...

What can children do for Lent?

What can children do for Lent?

These forty days can seem terribly long for children. As parents, we have a responsibility to help our families faithfully observe Lent. ...

Christianity: find out how to make God happy

Christianity: find out how to make God happy

Find out what the Bible says about making God happy "How can I make God happy?" On the surface, this seems like a question you might ask before ...

Works, Confession, Communion: advice for Lent

Works, Confession, Communion: advice for Lent

THE SEVEN CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY 1. Feed the hungry. 2. Give drink to the thirsty. 3. Dress the naked. 4. Lodging the…

Find out what the Bible reveals about the Crucifixion

Find out what the Bible reveals about the Crucifixion

Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, died on a Roman cross as recorded in Matthew 27:32-56, Mark 15:21-38, Luke 23:…

The Sin of Adultery - Can I Be Forgiven by God?

The Sin of Adultery - Can I Be Forgiven by God?

Q. I am a married male with the addiction of pursuing other women and committing adultery very often. I become very disloyal to my wife despite…

10 ways to develop sincere humility

10 ways to develop sincere humility

There are many reasons why we need humility, but how can we have humility? This list offers ten ways we can develop sincere humility.…

Catechesis on Confession in the time of Lent

Catechesis on Confession in the time of Lent

TEN COMMANDMENTS, OR DECALOGUE I am the Lord your God: 1. You will have no other God outside of me. 2. Do not mention the name of God…

Why do Catholics make the sign of the Cross when they pray?

Why do Catholics make the sign of the Cross when they pray?

Because we make the sign of the cross before and after all our prayers, many Catholics do not realize that the sign of the cross does not…

What is Ash Wednesday? Its true meaning

What is Ash Wednesday? Its true meaning

The holy day Ash Wednesday takes its name from the ritual of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful and reciting a vow of…

What happens to believers when they die?

What happens to believers when they die?

One reader, while working with children, was asked the question "What happens when you die?" He didn't quite know how to respond to the child, so I…

Put selfless love at the center of everything you do

Put selfless love at the center of everything you do

Put selfless love at the heart of everything you do Seventh Sunday of the year Lev 19:1-2, 17-18; 1 Cor 3:16-23; Mt 5: 38-48 (year…

A good Lent can change your life

A good Lent can change your life

Lent - there is an interesting word. It appears to derive from the Old English word lencten, meaning "spring or spring." There is also a connection with the Germanic langitinaz…

Why is Christian companionship so important?

Why is Christian companionship so important?

Fellowship is an important part of our faith. Coming together to support each other is an experience that allows us to learn, gain strength and…

5 meaningful ways to restore your prayer life

5 meaningful ways to restore your prayer life

Have your prayers become futile and repetitive? You seem to be constantly stating the same requests and praise over and over, maybe even…

The difference between celibacy, abstinence and chastity

The difference between celibacy, abstinence and chastity

The word “celibacy” is typically used to mean a voluntary decision not to marry or to refrain from engaging in any sexual activity, usually…

What does the last book of the Bible say about prayer

What does the last book of the Bible say about prayer

When you wonder how God receives your prayers, turn to The Apocalypse. Sometimes you may feel like your prayers are going nowhere…

What is the Pope's role in the Church?

What is the Pope's role in the Church?

What is the papacy? The papacy has a spiritual and institutional significance in the Catholic Church as well as historical significance. When used in the context of the Catholic Church…

The fig tree in the Bible offers an amazing spiritual lesson

The fig tree in the Bible offers an amazing spiritual lesson

Frustrated at work? Consider the Fig A Fruit Often Mentioned in the Bible Offers a Surprising Spiritual Lesson Are You Satisfied with Your Current Job? Otherwise, don't…

What is Ash Wednesday?

What is Ash Wednesday?

In the Ash Wednesday gospel the reading of Jesus instructs us to clean up: “Put oil on your head and wash your face, so that…

What will heaven be like? (5 amazing things we can know for sure)

What will heaven be like? (5 amazing things we can know for sure)

I thought a lot about heaven this past year, maybe more than ever. Losing a loved one will do it to you. Within a year of each other,…

The woman at the well: a story of a loving God

The woman at the well: a story of a loving God

The story of the woman at the well is one of the best known in the Bible; many Christians can easily tell a summary. On its surface, history…

5 things to try to give up on Lent this year

5 things to try to give up on Lent this year

Lent is a season of the year in the Church calendar that Christians have celebrated for hundreds of years. It is a period of about six weeks…

Prayers and Bible verses to help with anxiety and stress

Prayers and Bible verses to help with anxiety and stress

Nobody gets a free ride from stressful times. Anxiety has reached epidemic levels in our society today and no one is exempt, from children to the elderly. ...

When God sends you in an unexpected direction

When God sends you in an unexpected direction

What happens in life isn't always orderly or predictable. Here are some ideas for finding peace amidst the confusion. Twists…

Are angels male or female? What does the Bible say

Are angels male or female? What does the Bible say

Are angels male or female? Angels are not male or female in the way humans understand and experience gender. But…

4 keys to finding happiness in your home

4 keys to finding happiness in your home

Check with these tips for finding joy wherever you hang your hat. Relax at home “Being happy at home is the end result of all…

Saint Bernadette and the visions of Lourdes

Saint Bernadette and the visions of Lourdes

Bernadette, a peasant girl from Lourdes, reported 18 visions of the "Lady" which were initially greeted with skepticism by the family and the local priest, before…

Become a Christian and cultivate a relationship with God

Become a Christian and cultivate a relationship with God

Have you felt God's pull on your heart? Becoming a Christian is one of the most important steps you will take in your life. Part of becoming…

10 tips to help a grieving heart

10 tips to help a grieving heart

If you're struggling with a loss, here are some ways you can find peace and comfort. Tips for a grieving heart In the days and…

"Angels with one wing only" by Don Tonino Bello

"Angels with one wing only" by Don Tonino Bello

"Angels with only one wing" + Don Tonino Bello I want to thank you, Lord, for the gift of life. I read somewhere that men are…