
Prayer to SAN LUIGI GONZAGA to ask for a grace

  It was among the Saints who most distinguished themselves for innocence and purity. The Church gives him the title of "young angelic" because he, in his ...

Prayer with 13 powerful promises made by Jesus

Promises of our Lord transmitted by Sister Maria Marta Chambon. 1- "I will grant everything that is asked of Me with the invocation of My holy wounds. ...

Healing prayer to Mary for the sick

To you, Virgin of Lourdes, to your consoling Mother's Heart, we turn in prayer. You, Health of the Sick, help us and intercede for us. ...

Prayers to the Angels for protection from the dark forces

  Lord, send all the holy Angels and Archangels. Send the holy Archangel Michael, the holy Gabriel, the holy Raphael, so that they are present and defend ...

Do you want to free a soul from Purgatory?

Say this prayer for 30 days and she will go to Heaven. "After reciting this prayer for a whole month, even that soul who was condemned ...

Novena to Santa Rita for desperate cases

The Novena in honor of Saint Rita is recited in full every day, alone or together with other people. In the name of the Father and ...

Prayer to the Child Jesus to ask for a grace

O Child Jesus, I turn to you and I beg you for your Holy Mother, to assist me in this need (express your desire), since ...

Small prayers of Padre Pio

The Lord bless you, look at you and turn his face towards you; he give you mercy and give you peace. If you want to find me, go to the front ...

Healing prayer to Jesus

O Jesus, just say a word and my soul will heal! Now let us pray for the health of soul and body, for peace in the heart. ...

Prayer to be recited for those who are going through a difficult time

Where I cannot go, you take care of guiding the path of my life. Where I can't see, take care not to let me ...

Prayer to SANT 'ANTONIO from Padua for any grace

Unworthy for the sins committed to appear before God I come to your feet, most loving Saint Anthony, to implore your intercession in the need in which ...


1. O glorious Saint Anthony, who had from God the power to raise the dead, awaken my soul from lukewarmness and obtain for me a fervent life ...

Powerful invocation to Saint Anthony of Padua

Dear Saint Anthony, I address my prayer to you, confident in your compassionate goodness that knows how to listen to everyone and console: be my intercessor with God. ...

Powerful prayer to ask Jesus for an important grace

O good and merciful Lord; I am here to say this prayer to ask you for a grace ... (recite in a low voice the grace you want ...

Rosary of the seven pains to ask for a particular grace

Our Lady said to Marie Claire, one of the Kibeho visionaries chosen to advertise the spread of this chaplet: "What I ask you is ...

Powerful novena to the Guardian Angel to ask for a grace

XNUMXst Day O most faithful Executor of God's advice, my most holy Guardian Angel, who, from the very first moments of my life, keep watch always attentive to ...

Prayer to Mary, Mother of hope, to ask for a grace

Mary, Mother of hope, walk with us! Teach us to proclaim the living God; help us to bear witness to Jesus, the only Savior; make us helpful towards others, welcoming ...

Intercession prayer to Angela Iacobellis, the angel of Vomero

ETERNAL FATHER Who directs the world with the will of love ETERNAL SON Who offers yourself to the world as an object of love ETERNAL SPIRIT that transforms the world ...

Prayer of deliverance from Satan and evil spirits

This sequence of prayers repeated several times in the same order in which they were placed, breaks many bonds with Satan. Initial Psalm: Behold the Cross ...

Prayer for any particular grace

Immaculate Conceived without original sin, Mother of God and Almighty by Grace, Queen of Angels, Advocate and Co-redemptrix of mankind, I beg you not to look ...

Petition to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be recited today

O Heavenly Mother, giver of graces, relief of afflicted hearts, hope of those who despair, thrown into the most desolating distress I have come to prostrate myself to yours ...

Pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to be recited today

Adorable Heart of Jesus, my sweet life, in my present needs I have recourse to you and I entrust to your power, your wisdom, your goodness, ...

The prayer that Padre Pio recited every day in June

1. O my Jesus, you have said: “In truth I tell you, ask and you will obtain, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you!”, Here I ...

5 prayers to Saint Rita of Cascia for urgent situations to be solved immediately!

Prayer for Peace in the Family O God, author of peace and loving guardian of charity, look kindly and merciful to our family. See, or ...

Jesus says: "All that men ask me for My Mother's Tears I am obliged to grant it!"

ROSARY OF THE TEARS OF THE MADONNA Everything that men ask me for the Tears of My Mother I am obliged to grant! " "The devil runs away ...


The Virgin herself would have shown her approval by appearing to St. Arnolfo of Cornoboult and to St. Thomas of Cantorbery to rejoice in the respects that ...

Prayer against all kinds of evil

Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin, angels, archangels and saints of heaven, descend upon me: melt me,…

Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes to receive graces

Whatever the sometimes desperate aspect of situations, this novena always obtains special graces of strength and peace. However, it should be borne in mind that it is…

Prayers of supplication to Saint Rita to ask for thanks

Always, oh Lord, we your faithful people turn to you to praise you, thank you and beg you, but in a particular way by celebrating your saints we ...

Prayer to San Filippo Neri to ask for a grace

O most sweet Saint, who glorified God and perfected yourself, always keeping your heart aloft and loving God and men with unspeakable charity, ...

Prayer for any negative situation and free yourself from the devil

Most glorious Prince of the celestial militias Archangel Saint Michael, defend us in the battle against the powers of darkness and their spiritual malice. Come to the aid of…

Jesus promises: I will give everything that is requested of Me with faith with this prayer

At the age of 18 a Spaniard joined the novices of the Scolopi fathers in Bugedo. He ruled, the votes and stood out for ...

PRAYER TO MARY ASSISTANT "Ia Madonna of difficult times"

O Mary Help of Christians, we entrust ourselves again, totally, sincerely to you! You who are Powerful Virgin, stay close to each of us. Repeat to Jesus, ...

Powerful invocation to Saint Pio of Pietrelcina

I am weak I need your help, your comfort, please bless all people, my friends, mine ...


Unworthy for the sins committed to appear before God I come to your feet, most loving Saint Anthony, to implore your intercession in the need in which ...


Adorable trinity, God only in three persons, we bow down before you! The angels radiating from your light cannot sustain its splendor; they veil themselves ...

Prayers to Saint Rita to be recited in every need

Prayer for Peace in the Family O God, author of peace and loving guardian of charity, look kindly and merciful to our family. See, or ...

Powerful invocation to Saint Rita of Cascia

O dear Saint Rita, our Patroness even in impossible cases and Advocate in desperate cases, let God free me from my present affliction ……., And…

Prayer to Santa Marta to receive any kind of grace

This prayer should be recited 3 times every Tuesday, for 9 consecutive Tuesdays, by lighting a blessed white candle. “Admirable Virgin, with full confidence I resort to…

Prayer to solve a difficult situation

Where I cannot go, you take care of guiding the path of my life. Where I can't see, take care not to let me ...

Begging Our Lady for perpetual help for help

O Mother of Perpetual Help, many are those who prostrate before your holy image, ask for your patronage. Everyone calls you "The Help of ...

Petition to the "Madonna delle Grazie" to obtain a sure grace

1. O Heavenly Treasurer of all graces, Mother of God and my Mother Mary, since you are the Firstborn Daughter of the Eternal Father and you hold in…

Prayer to overcome any fear

Lord Jesus, I believe in your words: “Don't be afraid, it's Me!… Receive the Holy Spirit”. I thank you because I know you don't have me ...


Holy Spirit, you, sanctifier of souls, but who, like God, are also the source of all temporal good, grant me corporal grace (express the ...

Powerful prayer to the "PRECIOUS BLOOD" to ask for a grace

Lord Jesus Christ, who redeemed us with your precious Blood, we adore you! Infinite price of the ransom of the universe, mystical washing of our souls, ...

The prodigious prayer at San Cipriano against all adversity

In 300 AD, society was almost entirely pagan. At that time there lived in Antioch an intelligent young man who had several books of witchcraft, with invocations to the spirits ...

Petition to the "Madonna of Fatima" to be recited today to ask for a grace

O Immaculate Virgin, on this most solemn day, and in this memorable hour, in which I appear for the last time in the vicinity of Fati-ma to three innocent little shepherds, ...

Novena to God the Father with invocation of the nine angelic choirs to obtain an important grace

Praying for nine consecutive days O Most Holy Father, almighty and merciful God, humbly prostrate before you, I adore you with all my heart. But…

Plead with Saint Rita in difficulty

(to be recited for nine consecutive days in cases of urgent need) Saint Rita of Cascia O Sacred protector of the afflicted, powerful Advocate in desperate cases ...


O Heavenly Father, I love you, I praise you and I adore you. I thank you for sending your Son Jesus who has overcome sin and ...