Celebrate Holy Masses for the living


Many Masses are usually celebrated for the dead and few for the living.
Since I recommended from the pulpit and with the press to have Masses celebrated for one's soul while alive, many decided to do it.
Let each one think of his soul while he is on this earth and do not have too much confidence in the suffrages that relatives will make after death. As soon as you die, some relatives and friends will cry, others will not even do this, some will say: What a good soul! Certainly he is in Heaven! - The suffrages may be reduced to a few prayers and sporadic Masses.

I knew an elderly lady, very pious and rich. He left his possessions as a testament to his relatives and also left the money for two thousand suffrage Masses, to be celebrated as soon as possible.

The heirs did not want to celebrate them and divided the money.
How much better the young lady would have been to apply the Masses while she was alive!
To know the usefulness of the Masses in life, remember the fruits of the Holy Sacrifice:

1st Merit of glory for Heaven.
2nd Merit impetratory to obtain thanks.
3 ° Satisfactory merit to discount sins, that is to shorten Purgatory.

When the living have a Mass celebrated for a deceased, only satisfactory merit reaches them and arrives to the extent that God wants, being able, as mentioned above, to give the Lord satisfactory merit to another soul, or in part or all.
Suffrage will come to the dead when the Masses are celebrated; so that purging souls will have to wait anxiously.

When the Masses are celebrated in life, the soul acquires all three merits and instead of waiting for suffrage after death, having arrived in the other life, it finds the sins already taken for granted, in part or totally.

Masses for the living cannot be called Gregorian Masses; therefore it would not be accurate to say to the Priest: I wish to celebrate the Gregorian Masses.

(Don Giuseppe Tomaselli)

Source Don Amorth's Children of Light