What is monasticism? Complete guide to this religious practice

Monasticism is the religious practice of living separated from the world, usually isolated in a community of like-minded people, to avoid sin and draw close to God.

The term derives from the Greek word monachos, which means a lonely person. The monks are of two types: hermitic or solitary figures; and cenobitics, those who live in a family or community agreement.

First monasticism
Christian monasticism began in Egypt and North Africa around 270 AD, with the desert fathers, the hermits who went to the desert and gave up food and water to avoid temptation. One of the first registered solitary monks was Abba Antony (251-356), who retired to a ruined fort to pray and meditate. Abba Pacomias (292-346) of Egypt is considered the founder of the cenobite monasteries or the community.

In the early monastic communities, each monk prayed, fasted and worked alone, but this began to change when Augustine (354-430), bishop of Hippo in North Africa, wrote a rule or set of instructions for monks and nuns in the his jurisdiction. In it, he stressed poverty and prayer as foundations of monastic life. Augustine also included fasting and work as Christian virtues. His rule was less detailed than others that would follow, but Benedict of Norcia (480-547), who also wrote a rule for monks and nuns, relied heavily on Augustine's ideas.

Monasticism spread throughout the Mediterranean and Europe, largely due to the work of the Irish monks. In the Middle Ages, the Benedictine Rule, based on common sense and efficiency, had spread to Europe.

The municipal monks worked hard to support their monastery. Often the land for the monastery was given to them because it was remote or considered poor for agriculture. With trial and error, the monks perfected many agricultural innovations. They have also been involved in tasks such as copying manuscripts of both the Bible and classical literature, providing education and perfecting metal architecture and works. They took care of the sick and the poor and during the Middle Ages they kept many books that would have been lost. Peaceful and cooperative communion within the monastery often became an example for society outside of it.

In the XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries, abuses began to arise. While politics dominated the Roman Catholic Church, local kings and sovereigns used the monasteries as hotels during the trip and expected to be fed and housed in a regal way. Demanding standards were imposed on young monks and novice nuns; infringements were often punished with floggings.

Some monasteries became rich while others could not sustain themselves. As the political and economic landscape has changed over the centuries, monasteries have had less influence. Eventually church reforms brought monasteries back to their original intent as houses of prayer and meditation.

Monasticism today
Today, many Catholic and Orthodox monasteries survive around the world, ranging from cloistered communities where Trappist monks or nuns vow to be silent, to teaching and charitable organizations serving the sick and poor. Daily life usually consists of several regularly scheduled prayer periods, meditation and work plans to pay community bills.

Monasticism is often criticized as being non-biblical. Opponents say the Grand Commission orders Christians to go out into the world and evangelize. However, Augustine, Benedict, Basil and others insisted that separation from society, fasting, work and self-denial were only means for an end, and that end was to love God. The point of obeying the monastic rule was not it was doing works to get merit from God, they said, but rather it was done to remove the worldly obstacles between the monk or the nun and God.

Proponents of Christian monasticism point out that Jesus Christ's teachings about wealth are an obstacle for people. They support John the Baptist's rigorous lifestyle as an example of self-denial and cite Jesus' fasting in the desert to defend fasting and a simple and limited diet. Finally, they quote Matthew 16:24 as a reason for monastic humility and obedience: Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Anyone who wants to be my disciple must deny himself, take the cross and follow me." (NIV)