What is theosophy? Definition, origins and beliefs

Theosophy is a philosophical movement with ancient roots, but the term is often used to refer to the theosophical movement founded by Helena Blavatsky, a Russian-German spiritual leader who lived during the second half of the XNUMXth century. Blavatsky, who claimed to have a range of psychic powers including telepathy and clairvoyance, traveled extensively throughout his life. According to her voluminous writings, she was granted a vision of the mysteries of the universe following her travels in Tibet and conversations with various Masters or Mahatmas.

Towards the later part of his life, Blavatsky worked tirelessly to write and promote his teachings through the Theosophical Society. The Company was founded in 1875 in New York, but was rapidly extended to India and then to Europe and the rest of the United States. At its peak, theosophy was quite popular, but at the end of the 20th century only a few chapters of the Society remained. Theosophy, however, is closely aligned with the New Age religion and is the inspiration for many small spiritually oriented groups.

Key Takeaways: Theosophy
Theosophy is an esoteric philosophy based on ancient religions and myths, especially Buddhism.
Modern theosophy was founded by Helena Blavatsky, who wrote numerous books on the subject and co-founded the Theosophical Society in India, Europe and the United States.
The members of the Theosophical Society believe in the unity of all life and in the brotherhood of all people. They also believe in mystical abilities like clairvoyance, telepathy and astral travel.
Theosophy, from the Greek theos (god) and sophia (wisdom), can be traced back to the ancient Greek Gnostics and neo-Platonists. It was known to the Manicheans (an ancient Iranian group) and to several medieval groups described as "heretics". Theosophy was not, however, a significant movement in modern times until the work of Madame Blavatsky and her supporters led to a popular version of theosophy that had a significant impact throughout her life and even today.

Helena Blavatsky, born in 1831, lived a complex life. Even as a young man he claimed to have a range of esoteric skills and insights ranging from clairvoyance to mind reading to astral travel. In his youth, Blavatsky traveled extensively and declared that he spent many years in Tibet studying with teachers and monks who shared not only ancient teachings but also the language and writings of the lost continent of Atlantis.

Helena Blavatsky

In 1875, Blavatsky, Henry Steel Olcott, William Quan Judge and many others formed the Theosophical Society in the United Kingdom. Two years later, he published an important book of theosophy called "Isis unveiled" which described the "ancient wisdom" and the Eastern philosophy on which his ideas were based.

In 1882, Blavatsky and Olcott traveled to Adyar, India, where they established their international headquarters. Interest was greater in India than in Europe, largely because theosophy was based largely on Asian philosophy (mainly Buddhism). The two have expanded the company to include more branches. Olcott has lectured across the country while Blavatsky has written and met groups interested in Adyar. The organization also founded chapters in the United States and Europe.

The organization encountered problems in 1884 following a report published by the British Society for Psychical Research, which stated that Blavatsky and his company were fraud. The relationship was later canceled, but not surprisingly, the relationship had a negative impact on the growth of the theosophical movement. Undaunted, however, Blavatsky returned to England, where he continued to write large volumes on his philosophy, including his "masterpiece", "The Secret Doctrine".

After Blavatsky's death in 1901, the Theosophical Society underwent numerous changes and interest in theosophy diminished. However, it continues to be a viable movement, with chapters around the world. It also became the inspiration for many other contemporary movements including the New Age movement, which originated from theosophy in the 60s and 70s.

Beliefs and practices
Theosophy is a non-dogmatic philosophy, which means that members are neither accepted nor expelled because of their personal beliefs. Having said that, however, Helena Blavatsky's writings on theosophy fill many volumes, including details concerning ancient secrets, clairvoyance, astral travel and other esoteric and mystical ideas.

Blavatsky's writings have several sources, including ancient myths from around the world. Those who follow theosophy are encouraged to study the great philosophies and religions of history, with particular attention to archaic belief systems such as those of India, Tibet, Babylon, Memphis, Egypt and ancient Greece. All of these are believed to have a common source and common elements. Furthermore, it seems highly probable that much of theosophical philosophy originated in Blavatsky's fertile imagination.

The objectives of The Theosophical Society as stated in its constitution are:

To spread a knowledge of the laws inherent to the universe among men
Promulgate knowledge of the essential unity of all that is and demonstrate that this unity is of a fundamental nature
To form an active brotherhood among men
Study ancient and modern religion, science and philosophy
Investigate innate powers in humans

Basic teachings
The most fundamental teaching of theosophy, according to the Theosophical Society, is that all people have the same spiritual and physical origin because they are "essentially of the same and same essence, and that essence is one - infinite, not created and eternal, both we call it God or Nature. "As a result of this unity," nothing ... can influence a nation or man without affecting all other nations and all other men. "

The three objects of theosophy
The three objects of theosophy, as exhibited in Blavatsky's work, are:

It forms a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinctions of race, creed, sex, caste or color
Encourages the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science
Investigate the inexplicable laws of nature and the latent powers in humans
The three basic propositions
In his book "The Secret Doctrine", Blavatsky outlines three "fundamental propositions" on which his philosophy is based:

An Omnipresent, Eternal, Limitless and Immutable PRINCIPLE on which any speculation is impossible since it transcends the power of human conception and could only be diminished by any human expression or similitude.
The eternity of the Universe in its entirety as a boundless plane; periodically "the playground of countless universes that manifest and disappear incessantly", called "the demonstrating stars" and the "sparks of eternity".
The fundamental identity of all Souls with the Universal Soul-Soul, the latter being an aspect of the unknown root; and the obligatory pilgrimage for each Soul - a spark of the first - through the Incarnation Cycle (or "Necessity") in accordance with the cyclical and karmic law, during the whole period.
Theosophical practice
Theosophy is not a religion and there are no prescribed rituals or ceremonies related to theosophy. There are, however, some ways in which theosophical groups are similar to Freemasons; for example, local chapters are referred to as loggias and members may undergo a form of initiation.

In exploring esoteric knowledge, theosophists can choose to go through rituals related to specific modern or ancient religions. They can also participate in sessions or other spiritualistic activities. Although Blavatsky herself did not believe that mediums were able to contact the dead, she strongly believed in spiritualistic abilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance and made many statements regarding travel on the astral plane.

Legacy and impact
In the nineteenth century, theosophists were among the first to popularize Eastern philosophy (especially Buddhism) in Europe and the United States. Furthermore, theosophy, although never a very large movement, has had a significant impact on esoteric groups and beliefs. Theosophy has laid the foundation for over 100 esoteric groups including the universal and triumphant Church and the arcane school. More recently, theosophy has become one of the many foundations of the New Age movement, which was at its peak in the 70s.