Who is the magician? An exorcist answers

With the masculine word "MAGO" we mean in this chapter, and in general throughout the book, to also indicate the female operators: such as fortune tellers, sorceresses, mediums etc.

This word magician, therefore, collects all the operators of the occult, who in any way, in any form and of any sex, exploit the occult powers to harm people, in order to steal money.

A fire in a row of questions with as many answers, sometimes a little peppery ...

1. You wrote that the magician is the one who consecrates himself to Satan. What is the fundamental aspect of your life after this consecration?

Which is now "possessed" soul and body by the spirit of evil, which uses it completely as a tool to sow all kinds of evil in the world

2. The word "possessed" that you used also indicates the possessed. And therefore similar to them?

Not really, because there is a substantial difference. The demoniac is a person who suffers against his will that the spirit of evil has invaded him, therefore both his spirit and his body react violently to this abuse; hence the spectacular violent reactions of the poor people who are affected. With the magician, however, everything is peaceful: he wanted it, offered himself spontaneously to Satan, entered into a pact of total submission. There is therefore no reason for contrast or scuffle.

3. Many seek magic because they think they are getting extraordinary powers. In reality the magician truly becomes "Someone?"

No, the magician becomes a rag puppet similar to the puppets of the puppet theater, which are maneuvered from behind with threads by the puppeteer. It moves and operates only as the evil spirit uses it.

4. How do they ordinarily live and behave in social life among people?

As perfectly normal men, also because the devil certainly has an interest in not making them appear different from others, so they can carry out their terrible mission of evil with tranquility and efficiency.

So they go by car, by train, go to the bank, participate like the others at the banquets, even if their life is now completely mortgaged.

But they always take advantage of this thimble, serene ease to do, in all circumstances, harm all the people with whom they come into contact or offer them hospitality. Anyone who is aware of their real identity must stay away from it!

I know families who have naively entered into a friendly relationship with them with exchanges of invitations to lunch, favors, trips and have been ruined.

5. But with their power they can make many money and attract many beautiful women to them!

Unfortunately not! Neither many money, nor many women.

• Quattrini no, because if they accumulated many, they would then have to spend a large part of their lives to follow the administrative affairs of their wealth.

• Not many women, because they would become spoiled, softened, incapable of serious commitments. Instead their consecration is very rigorous:

they must live totally according to their being an instrument of satan, according to the popular saying: "You wanted the bicycle and my pedals" So full service, day and night: during the day they welcome and cheat people, at night they worship satan for hours and hours , as I explained at the end of the previous chapter.

6. Is there a fundamental characteristic in their life, through which they can be recognized and thus have the possibility to defend themselves?

Yes, it is falsehood: always and by any means. Jesus expressly said so: "Satan is a liar and father of a lie" (John 8,44). In the book of the Acts of the Apostles (Cap.13,10) we read that Paul, clashing in Cyprus with the powerful magician Elimas, addressed him with the words: "O man full of every fraud and every malice, son of the devil ..." , at the beginning of man's life on the face of the earth, as the Bible tells us (Genesis 3,4-5), satan brought man to ruin, with the greatest possible lie: "If you eat of the forbidden fruit, you will become like God! ". Since the first time the lie worked so well, he made it a stable norm for himself and his ministers to continue dragging humanity into ruin.

So he requires his magicians to cover their business with all lies. After all, if they said loyally who I am, what they do and why they do it, nobody would approach them.

They must therefore cover everything with the sacred: little images of saints, statues and hanging pictures of sacred things, rooms and objects blessed with satanic rites but passed away as if they were blessed by the church. They participate in religious services conspicuously, if they find some tawny owl in front of them, they walk together taking it under their arm.

7. In what attitude to put oneself when one enters their office?

Respect and courtesy are a must, at least to avoid retaliation.

But you have to feel inside you say that you are in front of a person you absolutely cannot trust. False, lying person, unscrupulous and moreover supported by real and powerful evil forces. Able to rattle endless bunches of lies, without the danger of blushing.

8. But regardless of the fact that the truth does not say it for the reasons set out above, can the "truth" in the full sense of the word manage to know it, through the spirits?

Yes, with occult forces they know it. Indeed they come to know many more things than one could imagine.

I will try to explain myself, although this is not very easy. The spirits by their nature, without any effort, immediately catch a vast range of situations concerning the case to be treated.

They see the person's family tree to better understand its character, they see the relationships, friendships, who has hurt them, the people they work with; they see the psychological characteristics of the person and the intensity of the desire to immediately come out of the anguished situation in which they find themselves; they see the economic availability they have and also the liquidity (one can have real estate, but not immediately have a few million) and other similar things.

The spirit presents all these realities to the magician as on a computer screen, then it remains for him to elaborate them in the best way, in order to see how he can properly peel the chicken (or rather the hen, because they are mainly women), taking more money from him. possible.

So he knows many truths, but the professionalism of the magician lies in knowing how to use them by manipulating them and mixing them with many lies, in order to extort the most substantial sum. Absurdly, one could say that only a client, who was also a magician, could discern what the truths are and what the lies are.

9. After death, when will they face eternity, what will become of the magicians?

One can be "almost" certain that the spirits of evil will take them to hell for all eternity. Now I explain the "almost".

Theologically it is certain that every man up to the last moment of his life can make an act of repentance and obtain salvation. We remember the example of the good thief, who crucified on the side of Christ, obtained salvation from Jesus with the surprising words: "Today you will be with me in Paradise" (Luke 23,39:XNUMX

Practically, however, it is impossible that after a life lived 100% in the hands of satan, a man at the last moment finds some space and strength to reconcile with God. We do not know, in fact, of cases of this kind.

However, I know a singular exception. An elderly and friendly Capuchin Father, an exorcist for over forty years, told me that he once managed to bring a magician to detachment from Satan and therefore to conversion. But this Capuchin priest lived not far from Padre Pio and he trusted him in the most difficult cases, including this one.

There is someone, among the readers of these lines, who by chance has heard of some Bishop, or priest, or soul consecrated to God, or person belonging to ecclesial groups, who would be willing like Padre Pio to suffer, on his own spirit and on one's own body, at least in part of the sufferings of the passion of Christ, to save a minister of satan? Unthinkable.

But if no one prays and sacrifices for them it is certain that these people will end in eternal perdition.

10. Why does the Church forbid having recourse to them?

Because he knows that they are subservient to Satan, who has always hated man since the creation of Adam and Eve. He can therefore do nothing but harm the children of the human race.

Furthermore, turning to bad spirits to be saved is a very serious offense against God, his power and his infinite love manifested towards man. The first of the ten commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai says: "You will have no other God outside me." God is God in the infinite and incomprehensible sense of his identity and satan, in front of him, is only a small and dirty louse.

11. If, despite everything you are saying, despite the bans of the Bible and the Church, one, just to try, so "out of whim", went to these people, what could happen to him?

One day I met a friend who was to get married at the weekend and he told me, evidently amused, that shortly before he had run into an office colleague who had said to him: "The least that can happen to you by getting married is as if you fall from the stairs with your hands in your pockets ”.

But when you enter the magician's shop it is even worse.

First of all because every time you enter their offices you contract a malefic contact with the forces of the occult, as well as those who turn to the mafia to be helped, they come from the registered mafia.

Then we must take into account that the magicians, with the power they have of deception and persuasion somehow manage to frame you; like young people who start with drugs, just to try, and often end up becoming drug addicts.

12. Can magicians help themselves, at least in part, by the special powers they have to help themselves in meeting and clashing with the many uncomfortable realities of each day?


Real powers help them, for example, to take revenge in any dispute, causing strange signs in the life of their opponents: bells that ring without anyone crushing them, chandeliers that light themselves in the middle of the night, appliances that jam, but also disturbances and diseases to children.

With such signs people discover them for what they are, they are afraid of them and prefer to give them up even by giving up some rights, in order to stay away from them. So their strength, placed at the service of their comfort, lies partly in the real powers they have and partly in the fear they put.

And this also applies to those who protect the civil and criminal order of our society.

We make two examples of strong thickness.

Statistical surveys indicate, with various fluctuations, in a few thousand billion, the "turnover" they collected annually.

But it is not on the number of billions that I want to discuss, but on the word "TURNOVER" which in this case becomes funny, because it should indicate that for these sums VAT is paid to the taxman. But let's not laugh!

If there is someone who brought the cash receipt out of the wizard's house, please lift your finger. Excluding, perhaps, some showy offices of the occult with a sign that are in the big cities, everything in this sector is in black, in black as black as smoke that escapes from hell.

The guardians of fiscal regularity, out of prudence, look at wizards from a distance with a telescope.

But still higher, in the administration of justice, there are behaviors that sometimes create perplexity.

13. So can we say that these gentlemen for the powers they have and for those who flaunt in the struggles of life "always fall on their feet?"

Yes, except last time, in the fatal clash with death. Because, in that circumstance, they fall head down and head over heels in hell and remain there for all the centuries. Amen!

It is confirmed that the word MAGO for men means all the operators of the occult for profit, both men and women, under whatever label they appear.

Source: book "the evil powers" by Don Raul Salvucci Ed.Shalom