Who was Amanda Berry? why is praying important?

Who was Amanda Berry? why is praying important? Amanda Berry was born a slave in Maryland, Amanda Berry was freed from physical slavery when she was just three years old. Now she has been released from spiritual bondage. But she still had to learn obedience these were her words before becoming a Christian missionary, we recall a passage in one in one of her writings: "oh, I wish God had always obeyed Him, then my peace would flow like the river, but many times I have failed. " Among his mistakes were two bad marriages. I will pray once again ", if there is such a thing as salvation, I am determined to have it this afternoon or die ”.

It was on this day, a Tuesday, March 17, 1856, and she was ironing. He would set the table and, having accomplished his duties, he would go down to the cellar to pray. She almost expected the family to find her dead. He had prayed earlier without results. We remember his words that he wrote: "I can't remember the time in my early childhood when I didn't want to be a Christian and often prayed alone. But she wasn't sure she was accepted by God."

Amanda Berry, thought that the altar was a way to reach peace with God. In the end, she understood that it was not the Church and the altar a way to reach God, but to pray. Amanda was ready to throw in the towel of her search for God, but a whisper said: "pray again ”. And so she went down to the cellar. Once again his prayers seemed useless. Over time he realized that he had known God, and that he had to talk about it with others.

Amanda Berry, in desperation because she was thinking of useless prayers, said:"Oh Lord, if you help me I'll believe you." Oh, the peace and joy that flooded my soul! " From that day on, Amanda had two ambitions: to know God better and to tell others about him.

Who was Amanda Berry? why is praying important? what did?


Christianity: who was Amanda Berry? why is praying important? what did? Amanda became a great spreader of the gospel as well as being a Christian singer. He learned to follow the suggestions of the Holy Spirit which allowed her to open an orphanage, serve as a missionary, and write a fascinating autobiography that captures the experience of black women after the American Civil War. All of Amanda's children died young, but with heroic faith she was able to say: “Your will, O Lord, not mine”.