Ask and it will be given to you

I am your Lord, almighty God, great in the love that can do everything and moves in compassion for his children. I tell you "ask and it will be given to you". If you don't pray, if you don't ask, if you don't have faith in me, how can I move in your favor? I know what you need even before you ask me but to test your faith and your fidelity I have to make sure that you ask me what you need and if your faith is blind I do everything for you . Do not try to solve all your problems alone but live your life with me and I do great things for you, greater than your own expectations.

Ask and you shall receive. As my son Jesus said “if your son asks you for bread, will you give him a stone? So if you know how to be good with your children the heavenly father will do even more with you ”. My son Jesus was very clear. He clearly said that as you know how to be good to your children so I am good to you who are all my beloved children. So don't hold back in praying, asking, having faith in me. I can do everything for you and I want to do great things but you must be faithful to me, you must have faith in me, I who am your God, I who am your father.

My son Jesus also said "ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, beat and it will be opened to you". I never leave only a son who turns to me with all my heart but I provide for all his needs. Many of you ask for thanks for satisfying their passions. But I cannot fulfill this type of request since earthly passion takes you away from me, gives you nothing and only realizes you in this world. But I want you to realize yourselves in the kingdom of heaven and not in this world, I want you to live forever with me and not that you realize, accumulate, sacrifice yourselves in this world. Of course I don't want you to live a sterile life but if then your earthly passions have to take the first place in your life and you don't have to give space to me this pains me so much. I am your God, I am your father and I want you to give me the first place in your life.

Ask and you shall receive. I am ready to do everything for you. Don't you believe this? Did you ask and was not given to you? This happened since what you asked for was not in accordance with my will. I in this world sent you on a mission and if you ask me for things that distance you from my will, then I cannot fulfill. But I want to tell you that not one of your prayers will be lost. All the prayers you have made of give the grace of salvation, give you the material graces in this world to do my will, make you more good, docile and fully live the faith in your merciful God.

Don't fear my son. Pray. Through prayer you can understand the messages that I send you in life and you can carry out my will. If you do this and you are faithful to me, I welcome you at the end of your life in my kingdom for all eternity. This is the most important grace you have to ask me and not only material thanks. Everything in this world passes. What does not pass is your soul, my kingdom, my words. You don't have to fear anything. My son Jesus himself said "seek first the kingdom of God, all the rest will be given to you in addition." You seek first my kingdom, your salvation, then everything you need I will give it to you if you are faithful to me. I who am a good father always move in your favor and do not hold back in giving you the long-awaited graces.
Ask and it will be given to you. When you ask, express the mystery of faith to the utmost. In asking me I understand that you believe in me and want me to support you. This makes me very tender. This makes me happy. Then give your best. I have given you talents and I want you not to bury them but to multiply them and make your life unique. Life is a precious gift that you can make it unique, a masterpiece if you live it with me, together with your God, with your heavenly father.

Ask and don't be afraid. When you ask, move my heart and I turn to you, I do everything to solve your every situation, even the most difficult. You have to believe in this. I who am your father and I love you I tell you ask and it will be given to you. I who am your father do everything for you, my beloved creature.