Ask your Guardian Angel for help, here's how

Have you ever wanted to connect with your guardian angel? Have you ever wondered if your angel was male or female? Have you ever wondered if I even had a guardian angel? If you are like most people, these thoughts have crossed your mind from time to time.

Angels are non-denominational, omnipresent beings. They can be in many places at the same time. Although angels dwell among us, they do so in a different dimension. Something that seems impossible yet quantum physics has provided answers on how this can be (even if this is a topic for another time).

Contacting your angels is very simple. First of all, you should know that everyone has at least one guardian angel. Most people I've talked to have three or more. Your guardian angel was assigned to you at the time of your birth. He or she is with you to love, guide and protect you on your journey here on earth. However, most guardian angels will not interfere with your life unless you specifically ask for their help.

Angels respect our well-being and our willpower. They respect our free will. Although we instinctively know what our life path is, many of us are temporarily (or even permanently) distracted by the things that society tells us we should have. We are distracted by the great important work, the university education, the huge house, the expensive car and our status in society. There is nothing wrong with having these things, however there are times when they distract us from our true purpose on earth. If we decide to move away from our path, our angels will lovingly send us signals to inspire us to return to the right path. They will not interfere directly.

That's why it's important to get in touch with your angels and ask for wisdom and guidance. After all, it seems foolish to rely on your team of hand-picked guidance counselors and not use them!

We can ask our angels for wisdom or guidance at any time, anywhere. Here are some techniques to help you.

Ask for help - Angels are like 118. They are there 24 hours a day and will always answer our call. The more receptive we are, the more help they can give us. When you ask your angels for help, be specific in what you need their help with. You can call them out loud or in your mind, since angels are telepathic. Whenever you call your angels, give them permission to get involved in your life. You are also opening up to receive their guidance and, in turn, this will help you recognize their presence in your daily life.

Remember that you are a brilliant being who is worthy of angelic assistance. Don't feel like you're disturbing them or wasting their time when you talk to them. Remember, your angels are here to help you.

Have faith: once you get a guide to your question, know that everything will work exactly as it should be. See the situation that is resolving and know that every request you make is granted and help is always given. If you fear that your request will not be answered, also ask for help in understanding. Trust that you will see love in every prayer answered. You are fully known and loved unconditionally by the Angels and I am always there for you. Always.