Church: difference between godmother and handkerchief mistress

Who is the godmother and comare for the Catholic church? The godfather or godmother are those figures who are part of the Catholic religious rite of Baptism o Confirmation. Let us briefly recall that both Baptism and Confirmation are sacraments. In which in the first "one becomes Christian" and in the second one "confirms" Christianity.

The godmother or the godfather is someone who must have the necessary requisites to support a boy or girl or in the case of confirmation we are therefore talking about a teenager for life. According to church ,the godmother he should walk alongside the faithful young man, as Jesus himself would. Offering him spiritual support and a model of Christian life that can inspire and help him at all times.

Church: Who is the godmother and the handkerchief godmother according to southern traditions?

the mistress of handkerchief, in Naples, and a little throughout southern Italy, there is a very romantic custom, but unfortunately it has now been a bit lost, let's find out together what it is? The figure of the mistress of handkerchief, these are mostly women who, their task is to dry the children from the oil and holy water sprinkled by the priest during the function of the Baptism . They actually represent a kind of guardian angel, who protects the little ones in a path that lasts for a lifetime.

Tradition has it that: that handkerchief it must be used during the wedding as a kind of pillow, to support the wedding rings. Then it must be used by the bride, just after saying "YES" to wipe away the tears. The godmother or the godfather, which in the south are also called Saint John, in honor of John the Baptist we remember that according to the sacred scriptures he baptized Jesus. Let's say that: the godmother is not a different figure from the handkerchief wife, both play the same roles and have the task of collaborating with the parents in the education of the child , the comare must also help the little one in the practical choices.