Is there any clear evidence of the existence of God?

God exists? I find it interesting that so much attention is given to this debate. The latest statistics tell us that more than 90% of today's world population believes in the existence of God or some higher power. Yet somehow responsibility is placed on those who believe that God exists, so that they prove that He really exists. As far as I'm concerned, I think it should be the meeting.

However, the existence of God can neither be demonstrated nor disproved. The Bible even says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists: “Now without faith it is impossible to please him; for whoever draws near to God must believe that he is, and that he rewards all who seek him "(Hebrews 11: 6). If God wanted it, He could simply appear and prove to the whole world that it exists. However, if he did, there would be no need for faith: “Jesus said to him: 'Because you saw me, you believed; blessed are those who have not seen and believed! '”(John 20:29).

This does not mean, however, that there is no evidence of the existence of God. The Bible states: “The heavens tell of the glory of God and the firmament announces the work of his hands. One day he speaks words to the other, one night he communicates knowledge to the other. They have no speech or words; their voice is not heard, but their sound spreads throughout the earth, their accents reach the end of the world "(Psalms 19: 1-4). Looking at the stars, understanding the vastness of the universe, observing the wonders of nature, seeing the beauty of a sunset, we discover that all these things indicate a Creator God. If these things weren't enough, there is evidence of God in our hearts too. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us: "... He even put the thought of eternity into their hearts ...". There is something deep in our being that recognizes that there is something beyond this life and this world. We can deny this knowledge on an intellectual level, but the presence of God in us and through us is still there. Despite all this, the Bible warns us that some will still deny the existence of God: "The fool said in his heart: 'There is no God'" (Psalm 14: 1). Since more than 98% of people throughout history, in all cultures, in all civilizations, on all continents believe in the existence of some kind of God, there must be something (or someone) that provokes this faith.

In addition to biblical arguments in favor of the existence of God, there are also logical arguments. First, there is the ontological argument. The most popular form of ontological argument uses, in essence, the concept of God to prove its existence. It begins with the definition of God as "He who can not conceive of anything greater". Here, then, it is argued that existence is greater than non-existence, and that therefore the greatest conceivable being must exist. If it did not exist, then God would not be the maximum conceivable being, but this would contradict the very definition of God. Secondly, there is the teleological argument, according to which since the universe shows such an extraordinary project, there must be a Divine designer. For example, if the Earth were even a few hundred miles closer or farther from the Sun, it would not be able to maintain much of the life found on it. If the elements of our atmosphere were even a few percentage points different, everything living on earth would die. The odds of a single protein molecule being formed by chance are 1 in 10243 (i.e. 10 followed by 243 zeros). A single cell is made up of millions of protein molecules.

A third logical argument about the existence of God is called cosmological argument, according to which every effect must have a cause. This universe and everything in it are an effect. There must be something that made everything come into existence. Ultimately, there must be something "uncaused" as the cause of everything else that has come into existence. That "uncaused" something is God. A fourth argument is known as a moral argument. Throughout history, every culture has had some form of law. Everyone has a sense of what is right and wrong. Murder, lies, theft and immorality are almost universally rejected. Where does this sense of what is right and wrong come from if not from a holy God?

Despite all this, the Bible tells us that people will reject the clear and undeniable knowledge of God, instead believing in lies. In Romans 1:25 it is written: “They […] have changed the truth of God into a lie and have worshiped and served the creature instead of the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen". The Bible also states that people are inexcusable for not believing in God: “In fact, his invisible qualities, his eternal power and divinity, are clearly seen since the creation of the world being perceived by means of his works; therefore they are inexcusable "(Romans 1:20).

People say they don't believe in God because "it's not scientific" or "because there is no evidence." The real reason is that when one admits that there is a God, one must also realize that one is responsible for Him and needs His forgiveness (Romans 3:23; 6:23). If God exists, then we are responsible for our actions. If God doesn't exist, then we can do whatever we want without having to worry about a God who judges us. I believe that this is why evolution has taken root so strongly in many in our society: because it gives people an alternative to faith in a Creator God. God exists and, ultimately, everyone knows it. The very fact that some try so fiercely to refute its existence is in fact an argument in favor of His existence.

Allow me one last argument in favor of the existence of God. How do I know that God exists? I know because I talk to him daily. I don't hear Him answer me audibly, but I perceive His presence, I feel His guide, I know His love, I desire His grace. Things have happened in my life that have no other possible explanation than that of God, who saved me so miraculously, changing my life, that I can't help but recognize and praise his existence. None of these arguments in and of themselves can persuade anyone who refuses to recognize what is so manifestly clear. Ultimately, God's existence must be accepted by faith (Hebrews 11: 6), which is not a blind leap into the dark, but a safe step in a well-lit room where 90% of people are already there. .
