Fighting demons with prayer to Saint Joseph

In this article we will mention some names of demons that can be fought with prayer to St. Joseph.

In addition to the names we will also say the evils they cause to man.
The names of the demons are:
Asmodeo (demon of sex, impurity of AIDS and syphilis)
Afragol (demon of discord between husband and wife)
Aldress (thyroid demon)
Alfaroth (demon of the bowels)
Astrarom (demon of success and which makes you rich)
Aroth (demon of the back)
Almingo (demon of the lower back)
Alfat (liver demon)
Almar (demon of the tendons)
Anatros (demon of the foot nerves)
Emol (demon of the throat)
Emador (demon of the patella)
Elchemer (skin demon)
Imador (devil of the nerves of the body)
Mivar (demon of tuberculosis)
Ulvar (demon of the uterus with fibroid and belly)
Uterh (demon of the hips)
Zais (demon of diseases)
Zelcol (cervical bone demon)

The prayer to fight these demons and the evils they cause is as follows ...
To you, O blessed Joseph, squeezed by tribulation, we appeal, and confidently we invoke your patronage after that of your most holy Bride.
For that sacred bond of charity, which held you close to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and for the paternal love that you brought to the child Jesus, regards, we pray to you, with a benign eye, the dear inheritance, which Jesus Christ acquired with his Blood, and with your power and help you help our needs.
Protect, or provident guardian of the divine Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus Christ: remove from us, O beloved Father, the errors and vices which soften the world; assist us propitiously from heaven in this struggle with the power of darkness, O our very strong protector; and as you once saved from death the threatened life of the little baby Jesus, so now defend the holy Church of God from hostile snares and from all adversity; and spread your patronage over each one of us, so that in your example and through your help, we can virtuously live, piously die and attain eternal bliss in heaven. So be it