You can fight Satanism… here's how


There are no other ways, only prayer and fasting can stop and intimidate Satan. Obviously, with constant Confession and with the daily Eucharist. Everything that is taken as a provision for the action of the evil one, outside of these, does not bear fruit. You don't need online petitions, and you don't even go to the streets, you don't need to pray on Facebook or on social networks, or post the saints' phrases or their icons. The only weapons against Satan are: Confession, Communion, Prayer and fasting.

Human perversion, especially in recent times, is as if it had no limits. Thus we meet a large number of people who practice black magic, spiritism and satanic cults professionally, trying in that way to transmit "the message" to people. Obviously, the big protagonist of those nonsense is unscrupulous gain.

The greatest satanist of the twentieth century is believed to have been the magician Aleister Crowley (1875-1947). He considered himself the Antichrist by calling himself "The Great Beast 666", "The Beast from the Abyss" (cf. Ap 11, 7). He was convinced that magical and occult forces wanted to use it as a means of communication with humanity. He thus described the purpose of his mission: "... to promote the occult forces which at the end of this century will culminate in illuminating mankind".

Under his influence a whole dark world of occult rituals and lodges has been created where black magic, worship of the Devil and sacrifices of victims, even human, are practiced. Its influence has infected an enormous number of people subjecting them to the dominion of the Evil One. Millions of copies of his books are still sold today.

Sacred Scripture clearly speaks of detachment of men from God in the period preceding the new coming of Christ in this world: “No one will deceive you in any way! In fact, first the apostasy must take place and the unjust man, the son of perdition, the one who opposes and rises above every being who is said to be God or is an object of worship, to be seated in the temple of God, must be revealed pointing to himself as God ”(1 Ts 2, 2-3); “As it was in the days of Noah, so will the coming of the Son of man be. In fact, just as in the days preceding the flood they ate and drank, took a wife and husband, until Noah entered the ark, and they did not notice anything until the flood came and swallowed everyone, so it will also be at the coming of the Son of the man "(Mt 4, 24-37). The detachment of which the Bible speaks is connected with the affirmation of iniquity, that is, with the separation from divine equity: "... for the spread of iniquity, the love of many will be cooled" (Mt 39, 24). If we take a look at the situation in our world we will inevitably have to see that exactly that is happening, even to those who use to call themselves Christians. Only the testimony of the true faithful, through the action of the Holy Spirit, still holds the final catastrophe (cf. Rev 12, 9-20).

Do you not notice the increasing hardness of the hearts of many people in the confrontation of God and his Word? "Enlightenment" and scientific and philosophical achievements prevent them from converting to the Lord. Vanity hides the Truth from them.

Logically they come to the limit by making objects of worship: gold idols (economic power), bronze idols (technique and armament), stone idols (powerful constructions), assigning their trust to relative factors. Lust, robberies and murders spread all over the world have become our daily reality. Sexual relations before and outside of marriage are considered a completely normal phenomenon. The wave of pornography has covered us and we can say that there is no magazine without such images. The American press reports that a murder occurs every 23 minutes in the United States, a terrorist attack every 73 seconds and a theft every 10 minutes.

The cult of demons and magic - we will not speak of the cult of the spirit of the time, ideologies and idols, but of the spiritual catastrophe that has affected the humanity of our age in apocalyptic proportion. From one day to the next the interest in occult sciences and parapsychology increases, without mentioning the flood of literature dealing with topics of astrology, magic and witchcraft. Millions of young people around the world enter various occult sects every year.

Modern technology directed more and more rationally and materially in these parts, paradoxically contributed in its own way to the flourishing of occultism. Os Guinness shrewdly noted this when writing: “By beginning to consider occult phenomena as non-existent, Christianity has lost the central place between the skeptics who denied their existence and those who accepted it. So everyone in search of a spiritual dimension - not being able to find it in the Church - resorted to occultism. Ironically, theologians who have indifferently indulged in the rationalism of their theology are the last to believe in those things. "

The distinguished theologian Peter Bayerhaus, realizing the diabolical invasion that is getting stronger and stronger overnight in the last years of this century, clearly requires:

- not to consider the wave of occultism in all its forms benign, with a diabolical background;

- to oppose that wave by watching spiritually

- based on that, to intuit one's vocation in order to be on the side of light in the spiritual battle.

taken from "How to recognize the traps of the devil" by Msgr. Bolobanic
