How to ask for help and protection from your Guardian Angels

Angels have a mission to help people in all aspects of life. One could say that they are "help angels", divine beings dedicated to responding to all your needs. They are expressions of God's will for you to live your full potential in this life.

The angels and the soul
Some people believe in reincarnation, others don't. Whatever a person's belief is, it is important to learn that God's will is not to punish but to teach the incarnate soul to leave fear behind. Angels help the soul to correct the effects of fear and heal them. Therefore, before asking for the help of the angels, one must be aware of the fact that they do not try to assign guilt or punish, but to help the human being to correct his errors and eliminate them.

When angels go, they can be asked for help to correct mistakes in all directions of time (past, present or future). Angels can help you erase the consequences of your mistakes and heal them in your life and those of others.

How to ask for the help of angels
You can follow these steps to ask angels for help:

Ask for help: Neither angels nor God can intervene in your life if you don't ask for it. To begin the process of correcting an error or situation, the first thing is to ask for the help of God and the angels. According to Dr. Doreen Virtue, just say or think "Angels!" so that angels come to help you. You can also ask God to send you multiple angels.
Give the problem: once the angels' help has been requested, you have to put the situation in your hands. You have to let go of the situation and not talk about it or give it energy and thoughts. Whenever you find yourself reliving the problem, remember that angels are already helping you solve it.

Trust God: you must always be clear that the will of God is that you are happy. With that in mind, never let yourself be doubted. Remember that there is no punishment or revenge of God against you. Trust that God and the angels have the best plan for you and to take care of your situation.
Follow the instructions of God: always follow your intuition, which is the divine compass with which you were born. If something makes you feel bad, don't do it. If you feel you have to go somewhere or do something, do it. When you feel in the heart, at the center of your being, the restlessness of acting (or non-acting) is important for trusting those feelings. They are the way your soul communicates with angels.
Ask other people: It is correct to ask other people, however the person can refuse help when they arrive. It is their decision and the angels respect free will. This right assigned by God to human beings is sacred and neither you nor the angels can go against it.
Your will will be done
Our Father's phrase "may your will be done" or "your will be done" is perhaps the best prayer that exists. It is a phrase that symbolizes surrender to the will of God and that opens the heart to angels in search of help so that they can heal him. When you don't know which prayer to offer, repeat "let your will be done" like a mantra. God's will is perfect and angels know how to work to achieve it.

Your guardian angels
All people have guardian angels. Some people have more than one and also have the help of relatives and ancestors who love them from the other level. When you walk, when you face something, when you have to defend yourself, remember your guardian angel and ask for his help out loud or mentally. Feel his presence and trust that he will be at your side, surrounding you with a protective white light. Say one prayer in the morning and another in the evening so that its presence is always clear in your mind.

Don't forget to ask for archangel protection based on your specific situation.

Ask the angels for help when you face any situation in your life. Angels assist you and protect you. You just have to ask.