How do the Guardian Angels communicate with us?

St. Thomas Aquinas maintains that "from the moment of his birth man has a guardian angel named after him". Even more, Sant'Anselmo says that at the very moment of the union of body and soul, God appoints an angel to watch over him / her. This would mean that during pregnancy a woman would be surrounded by two guardian angels. They watch over us from the start and it is up to us to allow them to fulfill their duties for the rest of our lives.

Guardian angels communicate to us through thoughts, images and feelings (on rare occasions with words) to fulfill their duties for the rest of our lives.

Angels are spiritual beings and have no bodies. Sometimes they can take on the appearance of a body and can even influence the material world, but by their nature they are pure spirits. It therefore makes sense that the main way they communicate to us is to offer our intellect thoughts, images or feelings that we can accept or reject. It may not be clearly evident that it is our guardian angel who communicates to us, but we can realize that the idea or thought did not come from our minds. On rare occasions (as in the Bible), angels can take physical appearance and speak with words. This is not the rule, but the exception to the rule, so don't expect your guardian angel to show up in your room! It can happen, but it only occurs based on the circumstance.


Assist us, Guardian Angels, help in need, comfort in despair, light in darkness, protectors in danger, inspirers of good thoughts, intercessors with God, shields that repel the evil enemy, faithful companions, true friends, prudent advisors, mirrors of humility and purity.

Assist us, Angels of our families, Angels of our children, Angel of our parish, Angel of our city, Angel of our country, Angels of the Church, Angels of the universe.
