How to build a relationship with our Guardian Angel

Discover the angels
Grab a book about angels, listen to a podcast about angels or watch a video of an expert angel. Angels are a fascinating subject, and there is a lot of information out there about the divine lives of angels. Remember, angels are non-denominational, so spiritual scholars from all walks of life are researching, working and writing on angels. How do you know if what you read or hear from an expert angel is true? Run the information through your intuition filter. Is the information true? Does information about angels make you comforted or inspired? Does the angel expert seem to be spreading a message of unconditional love? If so, they are probably really attuned to angels.

Include angels in your prayers
Angels really want you to remember the importance of prayer. Prayer can be easy: a quick thought, a sentence scribbled in the diary, a whispered request before going to bed or at your home altar. To bond with your angels, start your prayer simply by saying, "Dear angels." If there is a specific angel you want to address, like one of your guardian angels or an archangel, you can customize the prayer using the angel's name. Addressing a prayer for your angels does not prevent anyone else in the world from ascended masters such as the Spirit, spiritual guides, dear departed or even the Spirit himself, from helping you. The Spirit listens to every prayer and will send the best representatives to help you. However, when you direct your prayers to angels or include them in your prayers, you guarantee that angels will also help you. Addressing prayers to angels is a powerful use of free will. When you specifically ask angels to help you with something, you are empowering them to use their power to the fullest. You are letting the angels know that you realize that you are on your team and that you are giving them permission to step off the bench and take the field. When you pray to angels, expect to see additional support for your cause, even if it is simply the ability to feel comfortable during difficult times.

Create an angel altar in your home
You may already have an altar in your home, a space in your home, apartment or room designated to the Spirit. You can pray there, perform ceremonies and rituals there, or simply enjoy your altar as a subtle reminder of the Divine. If space allows, you can create a separate angel altar or simply incorporate some angelic elements into your current home altar. Angelic altars help you bond with angels because having a visual reminder of angels in your home will keep angels in your mind. The altar doesn't have to be large: my "crystal garden" (a collection of large crystals and small candles) on my kitchen table is only 15 inches by 8 inches, and your angel altar can be of similar size , or even smaller. Do you like angel oracle cards? Choose one from your favorite deck that has a beautiful image of an angel on it and place the card on your altar. Feathers usually remind angels and can be another element in your angel altar. If you have angel-themed jewelry, like a pair of butterfly earrings, put them on the altar when you're not wearing them. Angel statuettes and pictures of angels drawn by children in your life will find the perfect home on your angel altar.

Get in touch with your intuition
Your intuition, or sixth sense, is one of your angels' favorite ways to communicate with you. Because? Why is it so direct. When angels send you messages through friends and relatives or through synchronicity (like seeing the same book or a person everywhere), there is a third party involved. But when angels send you messages through your intuition as when you find an inspiring thought, an instinctive instinct, a sudden understanding of a complex situation, images that appear in the mind's eye, prophetic dreams, words that are formed in the mind or in the inner ear - the information comes directly from an angel for you, which is a very intimate exchange. Ask the angels to send you messages in this way, and then you are looking for intuitive communication from your angels. The more you ask the angels for messages, the more you behave in this angelic guide, the more intuitive suggestions you will receive from your angels. This is a very exciting way to bond with angels because the intuitive guidance that an angel gives you is always designed to help you live to your full potential.