How to perform a new moon ritual

The new moon is the birth cycle of the various phases of the moon. It is also an opportune time to attract your most sincere desires by doing a manifestation-focused lunar ritual.

While the full moon cycle is a suitable time to purge old ways, the new moon phase is an optimal time to plan and sow your intentions. The seedlings need a gestation period before breaking through the soil and reaching the sunlight. This also applies to cultivating our ideas and paving the way for our visions to emerge and become our new reality.

The dark side of the moon, with its mysterious invisible forces, offers a nourishing environment in which our desires can establish roots. These miraculous manifestations begin to sprout and reach the stars as the moon continues its cycle.

I start with your wishes and desires
Prepare in advance for the new moon ritual by setting aside a few minutes each month during the new moon phase to focus on your desires. This will help you clear your mind and fill your heart with promises.

When it comes to setting goals or planning your future, there is no better time to start than on the new moon. Intentions and wishes expressed aloud or written on paper, hold power, so please take care to consider those things you really want. The saying "Be careful what you ask for, you could get it." it is a fair warning every time the intentions of the new moon are set in motion.

But don't worry, the moon has its phases and so do our individual desires and needs. This is why it's a good practice to rededicate your list of intentions every month when another new moon cycle returns for a visit.

The moon ritual is something you can prepare for the whole month. You could start by keeping a moon phase calendar handy to see the upcoming new moon. When the day comes, take 20 to 30 minutes or more to perform the ritual itself.

Everyone will have a different approach to the ritual of the new moon and it is important that you adapt it to meet your needs. Unless you are part of a ritual group, feel free to include snippets of all the suggestions you deem most suitable.

Some of the items you might pick up include a notebook and pen to write your intentions. An assortment of candles is useful as they are magical objects, which represent all four elements. Some people also find that meditation music helps them relax and maintain awareness during the ritual. Others find power in adding crystals and stones to an altar.

In addition, incense herbs and smudges will help you cleanse the air and your body before the ritual. Sage is particularly useful and has long been used by Native Americans to release a space of negative energy while inviting positive feelings. Long burr sticks work very well. You just have to turn on one end and turn off the flame until it has a wonderful glow, then enjoy the scented smoke.

You will also need to prepare a sacred space where you will perform the ceremony when the new moon arrives. This can be inside or outside, but it should be comfortable and distraction-free.

Center your being
When the new moon comes, it's time to set your intentions in motion. I hope you have reflected on the desires you wish to desire. Otherwise, take a few minutes to contemplate it.

Many people prefer to start the new moon ritual with a purifying bath of sea salt and herbs. It is during this time that you can mentally prepare for the upcoming ceremony and finalize your list of intentions.

When you are ready, start by purifying your sacred area with an opening prayer or meditation and burning incense, drooling sage or both. Light one or more candles. Choose the colors that represent your birth wishes: green for prosperity, red for passion, orange for creativity, etc.

Take the time to root yourself in your thoughts. You can do this by viewing the roots that extend from your body to the center of the Earth. Allow the roots to rise through your feet and touch each chakra in your body.

Another word for grounding is centering. Basically, you will center your being and calm down in whatever way is appropriate for you. Take deep cleansing breaths, listen to some meditation music or quietly sip a cup of relaxing herbal tea.

Regardless of your approach, the goal is to clear the mind, calm the body and stay in the moment. Time is all that matters and awareness of the ritual in front of you is your priority.

Set your intentions in motion
The first step to boosting your new moon's intentions is to declare them. This can be done verbally, although many people find it better to write them down. This makes the wish come true and gives you something to look out for in the coming days and weeks. This list can also transform as your intentions are realized or evolved.

Open your notebook and date the first page. Write a statement like: "I accept these things or something better in my life now for my highest good and the highest good of all concerned."

Under this statement, start writing your wishes. Your list can consist of a single element or you can fill several pages. Try not to limit yourself. If having many things in your life helps satisfy you, then don't deny yourself these wishes.

During the ritual, you can also incorporate symbolic acts and objects relevant to your biggest dreams. Find out how you might be able to intertwine elements, astrological symbols, planets and symbolic herbs in your ritual.

Some people choose to physically send their wishes into the world. Actions like tying your list to a balloon and dropping it into the sky or burning the list at the end of a stick can be quite powerful.

As the month continues, track your progress. Diary if you like or just pay attention to your list of intentions. When the full moon appears, take some sort of action on those big dreams. Even a small step can help and don't forget to celebrate even the smallest results.

Renewal and Event
During the month, when an item arrives on your new moon list, don't just delete it from your list. Take the time to rewrite the list in its entirety and eliminate the manifested element from the list. Reviewing your main list in this way allows you to focus again on the intentions you did not accomplish while reviewing the ones that remain.

At the same time, add anything else you have decided you want. Feel free to rephrase the original sentences to better adapt them to your life as it is now. It is natural that your desires change over time.

A second notebook can be used as a show album. In it, you can draw, write or paste images of objects you want to manifest. It's similar to a vision card and it should be a fun project to take, so have fun. You will soon be amazed at how these things will start making their way into your life after starting this process.

Rededicate your intentions
Every month, when the new moon returns, be sure to rededicate your intentions by renewing your list in a repeated ritual. This is accomplished by rewriting the list using a new sheet of paper. Ignore all objects that no longer feed your soul and add new things that will.

Try not to get into the habit of simply scratching the items you no longer want and adding new things to the bottom of your old list. You don't want the energy of disorder and sloppiness to mess up the path of delivering new things into your life.

Include minor wishes
It is also useful to salt and pepper your manifest list with smaller objects that occur quickly. These can be tickets for ballet, lunch with a friend or a day at the spa. You may think that smaller things are too trivial to be put on the list of intentions, but these are also important.

Things that tend to manifest themselves with less effort still deserve to be written. Write whatever you want, no matter how small or simple. If it's something that makes you happy, write it down.

The manifestation of smaller elements in our lists creates a constant flow of chi and gives a boost to your list. Each manifestation, regardless of its meaning, creates movement and allows a natural ebb and flow of the tides. After all, we are dealing with lunar cycles.

Also, sometimes we forget to appreciate the small pleasures of our lives as we wait for the big things to come. If you only write statements like "I want to win the lottery" in your notebook, you are limiting yourself by not allowing abundance to flow to you from a multitude of streets.