How to ... make friends with your guardian angel

"Beside every believer there is an angel as protector and shepherd who leads him to life," declared St. Basil in the 4th century. The Catholic Church has always taught the existence of such guardian angels, not only for individuals but also for nations (the guardian angel of Portugal was seen by the visionaries of Fatima) and for Catholic institutions. Perhaps the Catholic Herald has a guardian angel.

Recognizing our guardian angels is believing in their existence and asking them for help, protection and guidance on a daily basis and above all before any challenge or danger we face. We may also offer prayers to the guardians of others that we care about.

There are simple prayers that are easy to remember and that can be offered on the hoof, including this, for example: "My good angel, whom God has appointed as my guardian, watches over me right now."

By recognizing our guardian angels we come to appreciate them, and also to deepen our humility by understanding that we are truly dependent on God for our growth in virtue and holiness. So the best way to recognize your angel is to make him your friend.