How to devote to Mary a pilgrim in families to receive graces

1. What does pilgrim Mary mean in families?
May 13, 1947. The Archbishop of Evora (Portugal) crowned a reproduction of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Immediately after this began a wonderful journey through all the states of the world, including Italy: not everyone has the opportunity to go to Fatima; the Madonna comes you pel¬legrina, to meet your children.
Wherever the reception was a triumph. Speaking on the radio on October 13, 1951, Pope Pius XII said that this "journey" brought a shower of graces.
This "visit" of Mary recalls the "visits" of which the Gospel speaks first to her cousin Elizabeth and then to the wedding at Cana.
In these visits she manifests her maternal care for her children.
Almost "radiating" her journey to the countries of the world today the Virgin knocks on the door of families. Her little statue is a sign of her maternal presence with us and is a reference to that spiritual world that we see with the eyes of faith.
The fundamental purpose of this "pilgrimage" is to revive the faith and nourish love for prayer, in particular for the Holy Rosary, is an invitation and help to fight evil and to commit ourselves to the Kingdom of God.
2. How can Maria Pellegrina's "visit" be prepared?
We talk about it above all in prayer groups, in associations, in communities, better if under the guidance of the priest.
3. The locker.
The small dignified statue of the Madonna is enclosed in a temporary cabinet with two doors. Inside they bear "the Message of Fatima to the world" and some "invitations to prayer".
4. How does the pilgrimage between families begin and proceed?
The pilgrimage can start on a Sunday or on a feast of the Madonna, but any day can be fine. Sometimes the statuette can be displayed initially in church for a public celebration. A first family takes over the locker and so begins the Pilgrimage of Mary.
5. What can the family do during the "visit" period?
Above all, she can gather together to pray the Holy Rosary and meditate on the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. It would be good to remember "you" at various times of the day and maybe dedicate them between a job and another some prayer.
6. How does the "Pilgrim Madonna" move from one family to another? It occurs without particular formalities, to a close or related family, to a family that accepts. The signatures of the participants in the pilgrimage can be collected in a register that accompanies the locker.
7. How long can Mary's "visit" in each family last?
A day or more and up to a week. This also depends on the number of families who wish to receive the "visit".
8. How does the pilgrimage between families end?
The locker is brought back to the initiator (Coordinator) and if there is the priest's guide he can follow a closing prayer in the church.

Mary's pilgrimage is a great grace that must be deserved. Without numerous prayers such a pilgrimage makes no sense. We must therefore prepare ourselves with works and prayers and receive the Holy Sacraments.
The better the preparation, the more effective the "visit" of the Madonna will be.
1. Prayer for the arrival of Mary.
«Or, Mary full of grace. You are cordially welcome to our home. We thank you for this great love. Come sweet Mother; be You the Queen of our family. Speak to our heart and ask the Redeemer for us Light and Strength, Grace and Peace for us. We want to stay with you, praise you, imitate you, consecrate our life to you: everything we are and what we have belongs to you because we want it now and always ».
A praise is added at the end:
«May Jesus Christ be praised in Eternity through Mary, Amen».
Or devote a song to Mary.
The prayer of Fatima: O Jesus, forgive our sins, save us from the fire of hell, bring all souls to heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy.
2. Farewell prayer:
«O dear Mother Maria, Queen of our house, Your image will visit another family, to strengthen, with this pilgrimage, the holy bond between families, which is the authentic love of neighbor, and to bring everyone together in Christ through the Holy Rosary. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be present between us and God to be glorified and to be honored. You see us and protect us, like children you welcome in your motherly heart. We want to stay with you and never leave the refuge of your heart. Stay with us and do not allow us to move away from you; this is our intimate prayer in this hour of leave. Accept also our promise to be faithful to the daily Holy Rosary and to make the Holy Communion repair every first Saturday of the month as a sign of our particular love for Your Son Jesus.
Under your heavenly protection, our family becomes a small kingdom of your Immaculate Heart. And now, Mother Mary, bless once again us who are before your image. Increase the Faith in us, strengthen in us trust in God's mercy, revive hope in eternal goods, and light the fire of God's love in us! Amen".
Accompany now the small statue until the next family, thanking for the graces received and nourished in the heart the desire that the Madonna remain with you. He is present with us, in a particular and mysterious way when we pray the Holy Rosary.
Our Lady of Fatima wishes:
1. that we dedicate every first Saturday of the month to his Immaculate Heart with Rosary and reparation Communion.
2. that we consecrate ourselves to his Immaculate Heart.
The promise of the Madonna:
I promise my protection at the hour of death to all those who will dedicate the following 5 Saturdays of the month to me with:
1. Confession
2. the reparatory communion
3. the Holy Rosary
4. a quarter of an hour of meditation on the "Mysteries" of the Holy Rosary and for reparation for sins.
Deed of consecration of the family
Come or Mary, and deign to live in this house that we consecrate to you. We welcome you with the heart of children, unworthy but eager to always be yours in life, in death and in eternity. In this house be Mother, Master and Queen. Dispense spiritual and material graces to each of us; especially increase your faith, hope, charity towards your neighbor. Arouse among our dear holy vocations. Bring us Jesus Christ, Way Truth and Life. Forever away sin and all evil. Always be with us, in joys and sorrows; and above all make sure that one day all the members of this family come together with you in Paradise. Amen.
Personal consecration act written by Sister Lucia
«Entrusted to the protection of Your Immaculate Heart, Virgin and Mother, I consecrate myself to You and, through Yours, to the Lord, with Your own words: Here I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me according to his word, his desire and his glo¬ria! ».
Encouragement and exhortation of Paul VI
"We urge all the children of the Church to renew their consecration to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of the Church, and to live this most noble
an act of worship with a life ever more in conformity with the Divine Will, in a spirit of filial service and of devoted imitation of their heavenly Queen ». (Fatima, 13 May 1967)

The family that received the visit of the Madonna consecrate herself to her so that she can freely dispose of her existence. He must pray more, love Jesus the Eucharist more, recite the Holy Rosary every day.
Be faithful to the Pope and to the Church united to him, with total obedience, propagating his teachings, defending him from any attack.
Observe the commandments of God, fulfilling the duties of your state with generosity and love, carrying out what Jesus taught to be a good example to all.
In particular, he gives an example of purity, sobriety and modesty in fashion, in readings, in shows, in all his family life, trying to stop the spread of mud around him.

In times to come, there will be only one way to keep from kneeling and praying. (Fulton Sheen).