How your Guardian Angel can communicate with you in dreams

You can have incredible experiences and discover incredible knowledge in your dreams. However, it can be a challenge to apply your dreams to your life when you are awake when your dreams seem random and difficult to understand. Guardian angels, who monitor people during sleep, can help you use your dreams as powerful tools to learn and grow in your life awake. Through the miracle of lucid dreaming - the awareness that you are dreaming while you sleep, so you can control the course of your dreams with your thoughts - the guardian angels can guide you to connect your dreams to your waking life in ways that help you heal, solve problems and make wise decisions. Here's how you can work with guardian angels during lucid dreaming:

Start with prayer

The best way to start is to pray - either for God, or for your guardian angel - for angelic help to start lucid dreaming and use your lucid dreams for good intentions.

Angels can do much more in your life when you invite them to help you through prayer rather than if you don't pray for their help. Although sometimes they will act without your invitation when needed (how to protect yourself from danger), angels often wait for the invitations to act so they don't overwhelm people. Inviting your guardian angel to help you focus on specific topics while you are dreaming makes sense, because that angel is the closest to you and is working on assigning God to take care of you above all. Your guardian angel already has a deep understanding of what's going on in your life, and he or she cares deeply about you.

Pray for specific questions you would like to dream of. Any topic you would like to learn more about through a lucid dream is a good topic to pray for guidance while you are awake. Then, when you go to sleep again, your guardian angel can communicate with you on that topic in your dreams.

Record what you can remember and think about it again

As soon as possible, after waking up from a dream, record all the details of your dreams that you can remember in a dream diary. So study the information and when you recognize a type of dream that you would like to try again to understand better, think about that dream intentionally before going to sleep - this will help you strengthen the dream in your mind. Keep going until you dream about that again. Eventually, with the help of your guardian angel, you will train your mind to choose what to dream (dream incubation).

Ask if you are dreaming

The next step is to practice wondering if you are dreaming every time you suspect that you might, as if you were sliding into sleep, or simply while you are waking up. Those transitions between different states of consciousness are when your mind is more likely to train itself to become aware of what is happening at any given moment.

The Talmud, a sacred Hebrew text, states that "an unbroken dream is like an unopened letter" because people can learn valuable lessons from interrupting dreams and become more aware in the process of the messages of those dreams.

A key sign that you are living a lucid dream - a dream that you are aware of dreaming while it is happening - is to see the light in the foreground of your dreams. In his book Lucid Dreaming: The power of being awake and aware in your dreams, Stephen LaBerge writes that, “The most common dream symbol involved in the initiation of lucidity appears to be light. Light is a very natural symbol for consciousness. . "

Once you have learned to be aware that you are dreaming, you can start directing the course of your dreams. Lucid dreaming allows you to control what you experience in dreams - and with the guidance of your guardian angel through your thoughts, you can access great power to understand what problems concern you and act on them in your waking life.

The patron saint of people who love angels, St. Thomas Aquinas, wrote that in his book Summa Theologica, in lucid dreams, “imagination not only maintains its freedom, but also common sense is partly freed; so that sometimes, while sleeping, a man can judge that what he sees is a dream, discerning, so to speak, between things and their images “.

You can see the visions of angels in your dreams if you let them know that you hope to see them before going to sleep. A 2011 lucid dreaming research study from the Out-of-Body Research Center in California, USA found that half of the people who attended saw and communicated with angels during their lucid dreams, after they declared their intention to meet hopefully angels before bedtime.

By following the guidance of your guardian angel (through thoughts that your angel will send directly to your mind), you can discern the best way to interpret the messages in your dreams - both positive dreams and nightmares - and how to respond to them faithfully in the your waking life.

Pursuing the help of your guardian angel to learn from your lucid dreams is a wise investment, as it helps you make good use of the significant amount of time you spend sleeping. In Lucid Dreaming: The power of being awake and aware in your dreams, LaBerge emphasizes the importance of cultivating dreams to the fullest. He writes: "... as we neglect or cultivate the world of our dreams, this kingdom will become a desert or a garden. As we sow, so we reap our dreams. With the universe of experience so open to you, if you have to sleep for a third of your life, as it seems you should, are you willing to sleep through your dreams too? ".