How your Guardian Angel speaks to you through thoughts and inspires you to do things

Do angels know your secret thoughts? God makes angels know much of what is going on in the universe, including people's lives. The knowledge of the angel is wide because they carefully observe and record the choices made by human beings, listen to people's prayers and answer them. But can angels read? Do they know everything you're thinking?

Less knowledge of God
Angels are not omniscient (omniscient) as God is, so angels have less knowledge of their Creator.

Although angels have extensive knowledge, "they are not omniscient" Billy Graham writes in his book "Angels". “They don't know everything. I'm not like God. " Graham points out that Jesus Christ spoke of the "limited knowledge of angels" when he discussed the time set in history for his return to earth in Mark 13:32 of the Bible: "But on that day or hour nobody knows, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father “.

However, angels know more than humans.

The Torah and the Bible say in Psalm 8: 5 that God made humans "a little lower than angels." Since angels are a higher order of creation than people, angels "have a greater knowledge of man," writes Ron Rhodes in his book "Angels Among Us: Separating Fact from Fiction".

Furthermore, the main religious texts claim that God created angels before creating humans, so "no creature under the angels was created without their knowledge," writes Rosemary Guiley in his book "Encyclopedia of Angels", hence "the angels have direct (though inferior to God) knowledge about post-creation "like humans.

Access your mind
The guardian angel (or angels, since some people have more than one) to whom God has assigned to take care of you for all earthly life can access your mind at any time. This is because he or she needs to communicate regularly with you through your mind to do a good guard job.

"Guardian angels, through their constant companionship, help us to grow spiritually," writes Judith Macnutt in his book "Angels Are for Real: Inspiring, True Stories and Biblical Answers". "They strengthen our intelligence by speaking directly to our minds, and the end result is that we see our lives through the eyes of God ... They raise our thoughts by sending their encouraging messages from our Lord."

Angels, who usually communicate with each other and with people through telepathy (by transferring thoughts from one mind to another), can read your mind if you invite them to do it, but you must first grant them permission, writes Sylvia Browne in Sylvia Browne's Book of Angels: "Even though angels don't speak, they are telepathic. They can listen to our voices and they can read our thoughts - but only if we give them permission. No angel, entity or spiritual guide can enter our minds without our permission. But if we allow our angels to read our minds, then we can invoke them at any time without verbalization. "

See the effects of your thoughts
"Only God knows absolutely everything you think, and only God fully understands how this relates to your free will," writes St. Thomas Aquinas in "Summa Theologica:" "What belongs to God does not belong to angels ... everything what is in the will and all things that depend only on the will are known only by God. "

However, both faithful angels and fallen angels (demons) can learn a lot about people's thoughts by observing the effects of those thoughts on their lives. Aquino writes: “A secret thought can be known in two ways: first, in its effect. In this way it can be known not only by an angel but also by man, and with so much the greater subtlety according to the effect is the most hidden. Because thought is sometimes discovered not only by the external act, but also by the change of expression; and doctors can say some passions of the soul with the simple impulse. Much more than angels or even demons can do. "

Mind reading for good purposes
You don't have to worry that angels articulate your thoughts for frivolous or unwise reasons. When angels pay attention to something you are thinking about, they do it for good purposes.

Angels do not waste time simply by eavesdropping on every thought that passes through people's minds, writes Marie Chapian in "Angels in our lives". Instead, angels pay close attention to the thoughts that people direct to God, such as silent prayers. Chapian writes that angels “are not interested in intercepting your temporal daydreams, your complaints, your self-centered mumbling or your mind wandering. No, the angelic host is not sneaking in and peeking into your head to control you. However, when you think of a thought of God, he hears ... You can pray in your head and God listens. God listens and sends his angels to your aid. "

Using their knowledge forever
Even though angels may know your secret thoughts (and even things about you that you don't realize), you don't have to worry about what faithful angels will do with that information.

Since holy angels work to accomplish good purposes, you can trust them with the knowledge they have of your secret thoughts, Graham writes in "Angels: God's Secret Agents:" "Angels probably know things about us that we don't know about ourselves. And since they are ministers of spirits, they will use this knowledge for good purposes and not for evil purposes. On a day when few men can rely on secret information, it is comforting to know that angels will not divulge their great knowledge to harm us. , they will use it for our sake. "