How to teach your child to pray

How can you teach children to pray to God? The following lesson plan is intended to help us stimulate our children's imagination. It is not intended to be delivered to the child to make him learn on his own, nor should it be learned in a session, but rather it should be used as a tool to help parents teach their offspring.
Let older children and teenagers take part in teaching the little ones, allowing them to help the little ones choose and do an activity or project. Explain to older children what you want the little ones to learn from the activity and let them participate in sharing the gospel with the little ones. Older people will feel a sense of responsibility and responsibility as they learn and share a ministry with others.

As you do this with your children, discuss the planning that comes to the end result. Talk about the step-by-step process of a work plan.

Learn and sing the song "This Little Light of Mine". Create a prayer book and decorate the outside. Include in it a page of gratitude (things we are grateful for), a page of remembrance (for people who need God's help, such as sick and sad people), a page of problems and protection (for you and for other people) a "things" page (what we need and what we want) and a prayer page with an answer.

Ask at least four people to share their favorite answered prayer story. Draw a photo or write a story or poem about their answered prayer. You can give it to him as a gift or add it to your prayer book. Think of something you can do today to make God's light shine through you. So do the same thing tomorrow. Make it a daily habit.

Capturing lightning is easy, especially for children. They take off with a rapid rise to the top. Then suddenly they blink and their flight path turns into a downward stroke. They are easily visible when they light up for a short second. It is during the snap after the light flashes that they are easy to catch.

Once caught, insects can be placed in a transparent, unbreakable jar that has a lid with air holes. Many, many lightning strikes can easily be caught in one evening, but it's not the end of the fun. There's more fun in the shop! The jar can be carried inside to use it as an insect-powered night light.

The lightning flashes and lights up all night until they fall asleep in the early hours of the morning. So the next day, they can be released without harm. Who knows, they could be the same bugs that are caught again the next night!

Ricky's story
Ricky was so happy! It was early summer and he wanted to catch the lightning that night. That is, if they were out. Almost a year had passed since he had crossed the grass in the courtyard to catch fireflies. Until now, lightning had not emerged this summer.

Every night Ricky had gone out to see if there was lightning. So far, he hasn't seen lightning every night. He eagerly anticipated his first big catch of the year. It could be different tonight.

Ricky had prayed and asked God for lightning. He was ready. He had a clear plastic jar and his father had made small air holes in the lid. Maybe they would go out that night. All he had to do was wait. . . and wait. Would he see them that night? He hoped so, but he had already been waiting for a long time. Then it happened! There, out of the corner of his eye, he saw. . . era . . . a lightning? YUP! He was sure of it!

His prayer was answered. He ran inside to get his mother. She liked to catch lightning too. She had told him stories about how she took them and put them in glass milk bottles when she was a little girl.

Together they went outside. In advance they headed for the courtyard. Their eyes scanned the air for a brief flash of light. They looked and looked. . . but there were no lightning bugs anywhere. They searched long. The mosquitoes started to bite and Ricky's mom started thinking about entering. It was time to start dinner.

“Let's go in now. There will be many more nights catching the lightning. " He said as he turned to enter. Ricky was not ready to give up. "I know, let's pray and ask God to send some flashes!" He said. Ricky's mom felt sad inside. He was afraid that Ricky would ask for something that God would not do. It did not seem right that Ricky learned about prayer in this way.

It could in no way help to carry out such a prayer. Then he said, “No, God has really important things to deal with. Let's go inside. Maybe tomorrow there will be lightning. " So Ricky insisted: “You told me that God answers prayers, and that nothing is too difficult, or too big for Him, and I really want lightning. Please!

Mom didn't know she had already prayed for lightning once. He didn't think they would see lightning that night and didn't want him to be disappointed. He feared that Ricky might think that God hadn't listened to his prayer, but because it was so important to him, he agreed to pray with him.

"You must learn that we don't always make our way when we pray," he thought. So right there, under a tree in the back yard, they held hands, bowed their heads and prayed. Ricky prayed for lightning, aloud, while mom silently prayed for God to turn it into a learning experience. When they raised their heads and looked. . . there were no lightning worms.

Mom was not surprised. He knew there would be no lightning. Unfortunately, he looked at Ricky. He kept looking. Mom thought about how she would teach him that sometimes God says no.

Then it happened !! "LOOK", he exclaimed! Sure enough, right around a tree where Ricky had gone looking for lightning! Not just a few, suddenly lightning was everywhere! Ricky and his mother didn't have to rush to get them! It was so much fun to put all those insects in a jar. That night they caught as many as they had never caught before.

That evening, when Ricky went to bed, a beautiful light came on that flashed and flashed until the wee hours of the morning. Before he was hidden, his mother joined him in his night prayers.

They were both grateful. Ricky had received many lightning worms and mom was surprised and grateful that the learning experience wasn't just for Ricky; it was she who learned the most. He learned that he was not to help God answer Ricky's prayers, and he learned it because Ricky had let his light shine.

When he had prayed for lightning; that was asking. When he kept looking for them; that was looking for. When he wasn't afraid to ask God again for them, he was knocking. Ricky had let his light shine on his mother, just as lightning flashed on each other. She thanked God for what he had taught her about prayer through Ricky's faith.

He asked that the light of God shine through both and that his light would be seen by other people, just as we can see the flash of lightning insects. Then Ricky fell asleep watching lightning light up his room.