How to oppose the Devil, to his temptations

The Son of God spoke to the bride, saying: "When the devil tempts you, tell him these three things: 'the words of God can only correspond to the truth; nothing is impossible for God; hell, you can't give me the same fervent love that God gives me. '" (Book Il, 1)
The enemy of God guards three demons
«My enemy has three demons within him: the first resides in the sexual organs, the second in his heart, the third in his mouth. The first is like a pilot who brings water into the vessel, which gradually fills it; when the water overflows, the vessel is submerged. This ship is the body agitated by the temptations of the demons and assailed by the winds of their greed; just as the waters of voluptuousness enter the vessel, in the same way the will enters the body through the pleasure that the body itself feels with voluptuous thoughts; and since it does not oppose it with penance, nor with abstinence, the water of voluptuousness increases and adds consent, and the same it does in the ship, so that it does not reach the port of salvation. The second demon, which resides in the heart, is similar to the apple worm, which initially gnaws the inside, then, after leaving its excrements, eats up all the fruit until it has spoiled it in its entirety. The devil acts in the same way: at first he affects the will and his good desires, comparable to the brain in which all the strength and all the good of the spirit reside; then, after having emptied the heart of all good, it introduces the thoughts and affections of the world into it; finally it pushes the body to its pleasures, attenuating divine strength and weakening knowledge; from this originate disgust and disdain for life. Of course, this man is a brainless apple, in other words a heartless man; heartless, in fact, he enters my Church, since he feels no divine charity. The third demon is like an archer who spies on the window those who do not look at him. How come the demon does not dominate the one without whom he never speaks? Because what we love most is what we talk about most often. The bitter words with which he wounds others are like sharp arrows, thrown every time he names the devil; at that moment the innocent is torn apart by what he says and the simple are scandalized. Therefore I who am the Truth, I swear that I will condemn him as an abominable courtesan to the fire of sulfur; however, as long as body and soul are united in this life, I offer my mercy to him. Now, here is what I ask and demand from him: that he often witness divine things; who does not fear any shame; that you do not want any honor and that you never say the sinister name of the devil ». Book I; 13
Dialogue between the Lord and the devil
Our Lord said to the demon: "You who were created by me, who saw my justice, tell me in her presence why you fell so miserably, or what you thought when you fell". The devil replied: "I have seen three things in you: I understood how great your glory was, thinking of my beauty and my splendor; I believed that you should be honored above all by observing my glory; for this reason I was proud and decided not to be just your equal but to exceed you. Then I knew you were more powerful than anyone and that's why I wanted to be more powerful than you. Thirdly, I saw future things which necessarily arise and that your glory and honor are without beginning and without end. Well I envied these things and within myself I thought that I would willingly bear pains and torments as long as you ceased to exist and with this thought I fell miserably; that's why hell exists. " Book I; 34
How to oppose the devil
«Know that the devil is like a hunting dog escaped on a leash: when he sees you receiving the influence of the Holy Spirit, he runs towards you with his temptations and his advice; but if you oppose something hard and bitter, annoying for his teeth, he immediately leaves and does not harm you. Now, what is hard that can be opposed to the devil, if not the love of God and obedience to his commandments? When he sees that this love and obedience are perfectly fulfilled in you, his assaults, his efforts and his will will immediately be frustrated and broken, because he will think that you prefer any suffering rather than contravening the commandments of God. Book IV 14