How to pray to God for His protection in the new month

A new month begins. How to pray to ask to face it in the best possible way.

God, Father, you are the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. You are my Creator and my Advisor, you guide me every day in making wise decisions. You are my comforter in pain and distress. I praise you for coming to me when I requested your presence. You are the King, the God who sees me, and you are eternal, Lord. You are my Heavenly Father and the Father of orphans. How great you are and how faithful you are, God, day after day.

I will praise you for being trustworthy and true. You are my teacher, and Your intelligence and wisdom surpasses finite minds. Promise me wisdom when I ask You. You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Lord, I love that You are pleased with me and that You rejoice in me with singing. You always think of me.

You prepare a place for me so that one day I can live with you forever. Perhaps then, and only then, will I be able to adequately praise you, in a way that is not possible here, as you truly deserve.

All my love, all my praise to you. Lord, oh, Lord. How excellent is your name, in which I pray! Amen.

Another prayer

Father, thank you for giving me the opportunity to start over. Too often I have strayed from my relationship with You. In times of anguish and worry, I have chosen to try to manage things on my own. Moments of frustration, anger and sadness invaded my body. In these conflicting moments, I have chosen to distance myself from You. I neglected to seek your help. Father, forgive me. You are the way, the truth and the light. I ask you once again to guide me on the way to a new beginning in life. Cover me with Your love, protection and mercy. Let me show Your love to others as I begin a new month. Thank you, Father, for your love and forgiveness. Thanks for looking and finding me. Thanks for never leaving me alone. In the name of Jesus, Amen.