How to pray to make a couple stronger and closer to God

How to spouse it is your responsibility to pray for each other. His well-being and quality of life should be your top priority.

For this reason we recommend praying with which to 'offer' your spouse to God, entrusting him with your physical and spiritual well-being; asking God to strengthen the couple and help them overcome every difficulty.

Say this prayer for yourself and your spouse:

“Lord Jesus, grant me and my bride / bridegroom to have true and understanding love for one another. Let us both be full of faith and trust. Give us the grace to live together in peace and harmony. Help us to forgive the shortcomings and give us patience, kindness, joy and the spirit to put the well-being of the other before ours.

May the love that united us grow and mature with each passing year. Bring us both closer to You through our mutual love. Let our love grow to perfection. Amen".

And there is also this prayer:

“Lord, thank you for dwelling in our own family, with all its daily problems and joys. Thank you that we can come to you in transparency, with our disorder, without hiding behind a mask of false perfection. Please guide us as we try to make our home your home. Inspire us with signs of thoughtfulness and kindness so that our family continues to grow in our love for you and for each other. Amen".
