How to recognize Archangel Ariel

Archangel Ariel is known as the angel of nature. Oversees the protection and healing of animals and plants on Earth and also oversees the care of natural elements such as water and wind. Ariel inspires humans to take care of planet Earth.

In addition to his nature oversight role, Ariel also encourages people to live to the full potential of God for them by discovering and fulfilling God's purposes for their lives. Is Ariel Trying To Communicate With You? Here are some signs of Ariel's presence when he is nearby:

Inspiration from nature
Ariel's hallmark is using nature to inspire people, believers say. Such inspiration often motivates people to respond to God's call to take care of the natural environment.

In his book "The Angel Blessings Kit, Revised Edition: Cards of Sacred Guidance and Inspiration", Kimberly Marooney writes: "Ariel is a powerful angel of nature ... When you can recognize and appreciate life on the ground, in shrubs, flowers, trees, rocks, breezes, mountains and seas, you will open the door to the observation and acceptance of these blessed. Ask Ariel to take you back to the distant memory of your origin. Help Earth by recognizing and developing your ability to work with nature. "

Veronique Jarry writes in her book "Who is your guardian angel? "Che Ariel" reveals the most important secrets of nature. Show hidden treasures. "

Ariel "is the patron of all wild animals and, in this capacity, supervises the kingdom of the spirits of nature, such as fairies, elves and elves, who are also known as nature angels", writes Jean Barker in his book "The Whispered angel. "" Ariel and his terrestrial angels can help us understand the natural rhythms of the earth and experience the magical healing properties of rocks, trees and plants. He also works to help heal and take care of all animals, especially those that live in water. "

Barker adds that Ariel sometimes communicates with people using his namesake animal: a lion (since "Ariel" means "lion of God"). "If you see images or hear lions or lionesses near you," writes Barker, "this is a sign that he is with you."

Archangel Ariel can help you reach your full potential
God has also charged Ariel with the task of helping people achieve their full potential in life. When Ariel is working to help you be all you can be, she can reveal more about God's purposes for your life or help you set goals, overcome obstacles, and achieve what is best for you, believers say.

Ariel helps people to "dig out what's best in themselves and in others," Jarry writes in "Who is your guardian angel?" “He wants his protégés to have a strong and subtle mind. They will have great ideas and bright thoughts. They are very perceptive and their senses will be very acute. They will be able to discover new ways or have innovative ideas. These discoveries can lead to following a new path in their lives or to creating big changes in their lives. "

In his book Encyclopedia of Angels, Richard Webster writes that Ariel "helps people set goals and achieve their ambitions."

Ariel can help you make a wide variety of different types of discoveries, including: "revealing perception, psychic abilities, discovery of hidden treasures, discovery of nature's secrets, recognition, gratitude, subtlety, discretion, bearer of new ideas, inventor, revealing dreams and meditations, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognition, [and] discovery of the philosophical secrets that lead to the reorientation of one's life "write Kaya and Christiane Muller in their book" The book of Angels: dreams, signs, meditation: the hidden secrets . "

In his book "The Angel Whisperer: Incredible Stories of Hope and Love from the Angels" Kyle Gray calls Ariel "a brave angel who helps us overcome any fear or worry in our path".

Barker writes in "The Angel Whispered:" "If you need courage or confidence in any situation or assistance to defend your beliefs, call Ariel, who will then guide you gently but firmly to be brave and defend your beliefs. "

Seeing the pink light nearby might also warn you of Ariel's presence because his energy mainly corresponds to the pink light beam in the color system of angels, believers say. A key crystal that vibrates at the same energy frequency is rose quartz, which people sometimes use as a prayer tool to communicate with God and Ariel.

In "The Angel Whispered," Barker writes: "Ariel's aura is a pale shade of pink and her gemstone / crystal is rose quartz. Ask her what you need and she will guide you. However, remember to put your earthly expectations aside, as they only serve to limit what Ariel is able to bring into your life. "