How the guardian angels guide you: they keep you on track

In Christianity, guardian angels are believed to put on earth to guide you, protect you, pray for you and write down your actions. Find out a little more about how they play the part of your guide while on earth.

Because they guide you
The Bible teaches that guardian angels care about the choices you make, because every decision affects the direction and quality of your life, and angels want you to draw close to God and enjoy the best possible life. While guardian angels never interfere with your free will, they provide guidance whenever you seek wisdom about the decisions you face every day.

The Torah and the Bible describe the guardian angels present on the sides of people, guiding them to do what is right and interceding for them in prayer.

“Yet if there is an angel by their side, a messenger, one in a thousand, sent to tell them how to be righteous, and he is kind to that person and says to God: 'Save them from going down into the pit; I have found a ransom for them - let their flesh be renewed like that of a child; Let them be restored as in the days of their youth - then that person can pray to God and find favor with him, they will see the face of God and cry out for joy; it will restore them to full well-being “. - The Bible, Job 33: 23-26

Beware of deceptive angels
Since some angels fall rather than faithful, it is essential to discern carefully whether the guidance that a particular angel gives you or not aligns with what the Bible has revealed to be true, and to protect you from spiritual deception. In Galatians 1: 8 of the Bible, the apostle Paul warns against following an angelic guide contrary to the message of the Gospels, “If we or an angel from heaven were to preach a gospel other than what we preached to you, let them be under The curse of God! "

St. Thomas Aquinas on Guardian Angel as guides
XNUMXth-century Catholic priest and philosopher Thomas Aquinas, in his book "Summa Theologica", said that humans need guardian angels to guide them to choose what is right because sin sometimes weakens people's ability to take good moral decisions.

Aquino was honored by the Catholic Church with holiness and is considered one of the greatest theologians of Catholicism. He said angels are in charge of protecting men, who can take them by the hand and guide them to eternal life, encourage them to do good works and protect them from the assaults of demons.

“By free will man can avoid evil to some extent, but not sufficiently; as it is weak in affection for good because of the multiple passions of the soul. In the same way, the universal natural knowledge of the law, which by nature belongs to man, to a certain extent directs man towards the good, but not sufficiently, because in the application of the universal principles of the law to certain actions the man is deficient in many ways. So it is written (Wisdom 9: 14, Catholic Bible), "The thoughts of mortal men are frightening and our advice uncertain." Therefore man must be guarded by angels. "- Aquinas," Summa Theologica "

San Aquino believed that "An angel can illuminate man's mind and mind by strengthening the power of vision". A stronger vision can allow you to solve problems.

The views of other religions on the guiding guardian angels
In both Hinduism and Buddhism, spiritual beings who act as guardian angels act as spiritual guides for enlightenment. Hinduism calls each person's spirit an atman. The Atman work in your soul as a higher self, helping you achieve spiritual enlightenment. Angelic beings called deva guard you and help you learn more about the universe so that you can achieve greater union with it, which also leads to enlightenment.

Buddhists believe that the angels surrounding the Amitabha Buddha in the afterlife sometimes act like your guardian angels on earth, sending you messages to guide you in making wise choices that reflect your higher self (the people who were created to be). Buddhists refer to your enlightened higher self as a jewel inside the lotus (body). The Buddhist chant "Om mani padme hum" means in Sanskrit "The jewel in the center of the lotus", which aims to focus the guides of the spirit of the guardian angel in helping you illuminate your higher self.

Your conscience as a guide
Outside of biblical teaching and theological philosophy, modern believers in angels have thoughts about how angels are represented on earth. According to Denny Sargent in his book "Your Guardian Angel and You", he believes that Guardian Angels can guide you through the thoughts in your mind to know what's right and what's wrong.

"Terms like" consciousness "or" intuition "are simply modern names for the guardian angel. It is that little voice inside our head that tells us what is right, that feeling you feel when you know you are doing something that is not correct, or that suspicion you have that something will work or will not work. "