How to live when you are broken thanks to Jesus

In the last few days, a theme of "Brokenness" has taken over my time of study and devotion. Whether it's my own frailty or what I see in others, Jesus provides a beautiful antidote for anyone going through a difficult time.

At some point we all heard:

1) Broken

2) Useless

3) Abused

4) Injured

5) Worn out

6) Depressed

7) Guilty

8) Weak

9) Addicted

10) Dirty

And if you've never heard one of these, I'd love to hear your secret God date to perfection.

The reality is that we are all destroyed, but don't confuse breaking up with uselessness. Just because you're broken doesn't mean God can't use you. In fact, 99% of the people Jesus used for His ministry were broken, dependent, weak, and dirty. Dig deep into the scriptures and see for yourself.

Don't let Satan mistake your frailty for uselessness.

By the power of Jesus Christ:

1) You are usable.

2) You are beautiful.

3) You are able.

4) You are capable.

God uses broken people to bring HOPE to a broken world.

Romans 8:11 - The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit who lives within you.

We are the army of the broken, who find restoration and power through the hope of Jesus Christ.