Impressive representation of the body of Christ after death (Video)

Il Body of Christ reproduced in Spain in 3D, it is an impressive work of art that represents the body of Jesus Christ in a realistic and detailed way.

face of Christ

This reproduction was made using the more advanced technologies in the field of scanning and 3D printing, and was created to replace the original Body of Christ. The original was in the church of San Francisco in Linares, Andalusia, but sadly it was destroyed during the Spanish Civil War.

The reproduction has been produced with extreme care and detail, using a combination of techniques 3D scanning and 3D printing. The 3D scan was carried out using a structured light detection system, which made it possible to acquire information on the physical characteristics of the original work in a very precise way.

3d reproduction

Once the scan information was acquired, the data was processed using 3D modeling software, which made it possible to create a highly detailed digital model of the original work.

The human features of the Body of Christ

The final reproduction of the Body of Christ is aartwork incredibly realistic and detailed. Every fold of skin, every detail of the hands and feet, every cap of the beard has been reproduced with astonishing accuracy.

All perfectly equal to the Lord's body, in every single detail: from the posture, to the eyes closed, ay hair, To beard, to the scars on his body, marks from the lashes he received and from the nails when he was on the cross. Even the curvature of the back slightly raised, on the face the marks left by the crown of thorns and on the shoulders the weight of the cross carried along the entire Calvary.

The reproduction of the Body of Christ was greeted with great enthusiasm by the public and art history experts. This work represents an example of how technology can be used to preserve and protect the national cultural heritage and art of the world. It is also the demonstration of how collaboration between academic institutions and specialized companies can lead to extraordinary results.