The volunteer who dedicated 100 years to volunteering is 61 years old

Elaine Kuper she is a 100-year-old woman, with an amazing life, mostly devoted to volunteer work.

Elaine Kuper
Credit: Texas Children's Hospital/Facebook

This is the story of a woman, apparently a normal long-lived old woman, if she were none other than Elaine, who gave 61 years of her life to being a voluntary at Texas Children's Hospital.

Elaine had 12 years when he moved to Hoston, and started volunteering as soon as the Texas Children's Hospital. Elaine's was more of a mission than a job, so much so that she even took Spanish lessons to help Hispanic and Latino families move around the facility.

The thousand colors of Elaine's life

Dressed in a red and white uniform, Elaine has played a variety of roles within the facility. She started with the serving snack bar, where he had his own original way of communicating.

In fact, he had assigned each doctor new names, based on the sandwich they ordered. After that he worked 45 years at information desk, and then move on to deliver the mail and to lead tours in the hospital. The woman didn't care what her role was, the important thing for her was to be useful to people and to be around people.

Paige Schulz, the hospital's vice president of patient support services, even after Elaine's retirement at the age of 65, speaks of her as a delightful, always smiling person who made everyone's day better.

Elaine also formed a unique friendship within the hospital. She always took care of David Vetter, a boy suffering from a rare genetic disease. The boy lived alone closed in plastic ampoules, in a room, from the moment he was born until he died at the age of 12. Elaine to make him smile and to keep him company led the tours in front of his window. It was her way of never making him feel alone.

THEcommitment that this woman has put to do good for people, has not gone unnoticed. She has received several awards, including in 2000 she was recognized as a life member of the hospital.

Elaine is grateful to life for allowing him to live the way he wanted, caring for others and giving everyone a smile.