Comparison between Islamic and Christian beliefs

The religion
The word Islam means submission to God.

The Christian word means disciple of Jesus Christ who follows his beliefs.

Names of God

In Islam, Allah means "God", forgiveness, merciful, wise, omniscient, powerful, helper, protector, etc.

A person who is Christian must refer to God as his Father.

Nature of God

In Islam, Allah is one. It does not generate and is not generated and there is no one like him (the term "Father" is never used in the Qur'an).

A true Christian believes that Divinity is currently composed of two Beings (God the Father and His Son). Note that the Trinity is not a New Testament doctrine.

Basic teachings of the Bible
How does Muhammad deal with Jesus?
What exactly is considered New Age?

The purpose and plan of God

In Islam, Allah does what he wants.

Christians believe that the Eternal is currently developing a plan in which all humans enter the image of Jesus as His divine children.

What is a spirit?

In Islam, a spirit is an angel or a created attribute. God is not spirit.

The Bible makes clear that God, Jesus and angels are composed of spirit. What is called the Holy Spirit is the power by which the Eternal and Jesus Christ do their will. When his spirit resides in a person, he makes them Christian.

Spokesperson for God

Islam believes that the Old Testament prophets and Jesus culminated in Muhammad. Muhammad was the paraclete (lawyer).

Christianity teaches that the Old Testament prophets reached a climax in Jesus, who was later followed by the apostles.

Who is Jesus Christ?

Islam teaches that Jesus is considered one of the prophets of God, born of a woman named Mary and produced by the angelic power of Gabriel. Allah took Jesus while a ghost (ghost?) Of him was put on the cross and crucified.

Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, was miraculously conceived in the womb of Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus, the God of the Old Testament, stripped himself of all his power and glory to become a man and die for the sins of all humanity.

Written communication from God

Al Koran (the acting) of 114 suras (units) supported by many volumes of hadith (traditions). The Koran (Quran) was dictated to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel in pure classical Arabic. For Islam the Koran is their link with God.

For Christians, the Bible, made up of books from the Old Testament in Hebrew and Aramaic and books from the New Testament in Greek, is the inspiration and authoritative communication of God with humans.

Nature of Man

Islam believes that human beings are sinless at birth with unlimited moral and spiritual progress through faith in God and faithful adherence to teachings.

The Bible teaches that humans are born with human nature, which makes them prone to sin and leads to natural enmity towards God. His grace and his Spirit give humans the ability to repent of their evil ways and become saints.

Personal responsibility

According to Islam, the activities of the wicked and saints, the generous and the grasped are the whole creation of Allah. Allah can give up to seven spirits to a man. But those who choose good will be rewarded and evil punished.

Christianity believes that everyone has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The reward for sin is death. Our Father invites humans to choose life, become Christians and get away from evil.

What are believers?

In Islam, believers are referred to as "my slaves".

The Bible teaches those who have the spirit of God in their dear children (Romans 8:16).

Life after death

At the resurrection the righteous go to the Garden of God but do not see it. Islam believes that the wicked dwell forever in the fire. Those considered particularly righteous do not need to wait for the resurrection.

True Christianity teaches that eventually all humans will rise again. Everyone will have a real opportunity to be saved. The righteous will rule with Jesus in the Kingdom when the throne of the Lord is with men. Those who refuse his path, the incorrigible wicked, will be canceled.


"Do not call" killed "those who are killed in the way of Allah. No, they are living, only you do not perceive it "(2: 154). Each martyr has 72 virgins waiting for him in Paradise (Sermon at the Al-Aqsa mosque, September 9, 2001 - see 56:37).

Jesus warned that those who believe in him will be hated, rejected and some eventually killed (John 16: 2, James 5: 6 - 7).


"Fight on the way of Allah against those who fight against you ... And kill them wherever you find them" (2: 190). "Here! Allah loves those who fight for his cause in the ranks, as if they were a solid structure "(61: 4).

Christians must love their enemies and pray for them (Matthew 5:44, John 18:36).


Ob'adah-b-Swa'met, a believer in Islam, reported that Muhammad had said that Almighty Allah required five prayers a day.

True Christians believe they should pray in secret and never let anyone know (Matthew 6: 6).

Giustizia criminale

Islam states that "retaliation for the murder has been prescribed for you" (2: 178). He also says "As for the thief, both male and female, they cut their hands" (5:38).

The Christian belief revolves around Jesus 'teaching which states: “So when they kept asking him, He (Jesus) stood up and said to them:' He who is sinless among you, let him first throw a stone on her '”(John 8: 7, see also Romans 13: 3 - 4).